Humanitarian agencies must be prepared to mobilize quickly in response to complex emergencies, and their effectiveness depends on their ability to identify, anticipate, and prepare for future needs. These are typically highly uncertain situations in which predictive modeling tools can be useful but challenging to build. To better understand the need for humanitarian support -- including shelter and assistance -- and strengthen contingency planning and protection efforts for displaced populations, we present a situational analysis tool to help anticipate the number of migrants and forcibly displaced persons that will cross a border in a humanitarian crisis. The tool consists of: (i) indicators of potential intent to move drawn from traditional and big data sources; (ii) predictive models for forecasting possible future movements; and (iii) a simulation of border crossings and shelter capacity requirements under different conditions. This tool has been specifically adapted to contingency planning in settings of high uncertainty, with an application to the Brazil-Venezuela border during the COVID-19 pandemic.
翻译:人道主义机构必须能够快速行动以应对复杂紧急情况,其效力取决于其识别、预测和准备未来需求的能力。这些通常是高度不确定的情况,在其中预测建模工具可能是有用的,但也具有挑战性。为了更好地了解对流离失所人群提供人道主义支持(包括住房和援助)的需求,加强应急规划和保护工作,我们提出了一种情境分析工具,以帮助预测人道主义危机下将越过边界的移民和被强制流离失所者的人数。这个工具包括:(i)从传统和大数据源中绘制的潜在移动意图的指标;(ii)用于预测可能未来移动的预测模型;以及(iii)在不同条件下模拟边界穿越和住房容量需求。该工具已专门适应于高度不确定的应急规划环境,应用于COVID-19大流行期间的 巴西-委内瑞拉 边境。