The ball-balancing robot (ballbot) is a good platform to test the effectiveness of a balancing controller. Considering balancing control, conventional model-based feedback control methods have been widely used. However, contacts and collisions are difficult to model, and often lead to failure in balancing control, especially when the ballbot tilts a large angle. To explore the maximum initial tilting angle of the ballbot, the balancing control is interpreted as a recovery task using Reinforcement Learning (RL). RL is a powerful technique for systems that are difficult to model, because it allows an agent to learn policy by interacting with the environment. In this paper, by combining the conventional feedback controller with the RL method, a compound controller is proposed. We show the effectiveness of the compound controller by training an agent to successfully perform a recovery task involving contacts and collisions. Simulation results demonstrate that using the compound controller, the ballbot can keep balance under a larger set of initial tilting angles, compared to the conventional model-based controller.
翻译:球平衡机器人( Ballbot) 是测试平衡控制器有效性的好平台 。 考虑到平衡控制, 常规基于模型的反馈控制方法已被广泛使用。 但是, 接触和碰撞很难建模, 常常导致平衡控制失败, 特别是当球盘倾斜一个大角度时。 要探索球盘的最大初始倾斜角度, 平衡控制被解释为使用加强学习( RL) 的恢复任务 。 RL 是难以建模的系统的一种强大技术, 因为它允许代理人通过与环境互动学习政策 。 在本文中, 通过将常规反馈控制器与 RL 方法相结合, 提议了一个复合控制器 。 我们通过培训一个代理人成功执行涉及接触和碰撞的恢复任务来显示复合控制器的有效性 。 模拟结果显示, 使用复合控制器, 球盘可以比常规模型控制器在更大的初始倾斜角度下保持平衡 。