In Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding (L-MAPF) a team of agents performs a stream of tasks consisting of multiple locations to be visited by the agents on a shared graph while avoiding collisions with one another. L-MAPF is typically tackled by partitioning it into multiple consecutive, and hence similar, "one-shot" MAPF queries, as in the Rolling-Horizon Collision Resolution (RHCR) algorithm. Therefore, a solution to one query informs the next query, which leads to similarity with respect to the agents' start and goal positions, and how collisions need to be resolved from one query to the next. Thus, experience from solving one MAPF query can potentially be used to speedup solving the next one. Despite this intuition, current L-MAPF planners solve consecutive MAPF queries from scratch. In this paper, we introduce a new RHCR-inspired approach called exRHCR, which exploits experience in its constituent MAPF queries. In particular, exRHCR employs an extension of Priority-Based Search (PBS), a state-of-the-art MAPF solver. The extension, which we call exPBS, allows to warm-start the search with the priorities between agents used by PBS in the previous MAPF instances. We demonstrate empirically that exRHCR solves L-MAPF instances up to 39% faster than RHCR, and has the potential to increase system throughput for given task streams by increasing the number of agents a planner can cope with for a given time budget.
翻译:终身多行为者路径查找 (L-MAPF) 由一组代理人组成的团队执行由多个地点组成的一连串任务,这些地点将由代理人在一个共享的图表上访问,同时避免相互碰撞。L-MAPF通常通过将它分解成多个连续的、因此也是类似的“一发式”MAPF查询,如滚动-Horizon 相交解(RHCR)算法。因此,一个查询的解决方案为下一个查询提供了信息,这导致代理人的起始和目标位置相似,以及从一个查询到下一个查询需要解决碰撞问题。因此,解决一个MAPF查询的经验有可能被用来加速解决下一个查询。尽管存在这种直觉,但目前的L-MAPF规划者从头接接连续的MAPF查询。在本文中,我们引入了一个新的RHCRCRCR(HCR),它利用其组成MAPF查询的经验, 特别是, ExRHCR(PS) 数字的扩展, 与给定式MAPF 解算法的状态解算法系统之间的状态解算法,我们使用了前的快速搜索程序,我们使用前的RBSRBS(PBS) 的升级) 的推算法,可以让前任务中, 向前先变先变先变的RBRBRBR(PBR) 向前) 进行更动的翻。