Anxiety levels in the AAVE community spiked in November 2022 as Avi Eisenberg performed an attack on AAVE. Eisenberg attempted to short the CRV token by using funds borrowed on the protocol to artificially deflate the value of CRV. While the attack was ultimately unsuccessful, it left the AAVE community scared and even raised question marks regarding the feasibility of large lending platforms under decentralized governance. In this work, we analyze Avi Eisenberg's actions and show how he was able to artificially lower the price of CRV by selling large quantities of borrowed CRV for stablecoins on both decentralized and centralized exchanges. Despite the failure of his attack, it still led to approximately 1.6 Mio USD of irretrievable debt and, thereby, quadrupled the protocol's irretrievable debt. Furthermore, we highlight that his attack was enabled by the vast proportion of CRV available to borrow as well as AAVE's lending protocol design hindering rapid intervention. We stress Eisenberg's attack exposes a predicament of large DeFi lending protocols: limit the scope or compromise on `decentralization'.
翻译:2022年11月Avi Eisenberg对AAVE进行攻击时,AAVA社区惊恐的程度急剧上升。Eisenberg试图利用协议上借来的资金人为压缩CRV价值,从而缩短CRV标志。虽然这次攻击最终没有成功,但AAAVE社区对在分散治理下大型贷款平台的可行性感到恐惧,甚至提出了疑问。在这项工作中,我们分析了Avi Eisenberg的行动,并表明他如何通过在分散和集中的交易所出售大量借款的CRV,人为地降低CRV的价格。尽管他的攻击失败,它仍然导致大约1.6米奥元无法挽回的债务,从而使协议无法收回的债务翻了四倍。此外,我们强调,由于CRV的巨额借款以及AVAV的贷款协议设计阻碍了快速干预。我们强调Eisenberg的攻击暴露了大型DFi贷款协议的困境:限制权力下放的范围或妥协。