Apache HBase, a mainstay of the emerging Hadoop ecosystem, is a NoSQL key-value and column family hybrid database which, unlike a traditional RDBMS, is intentionally designed to scalably host large, semistructured, and heterogeneous data. Prime examples of such data are biosignals which are characterized by large volume, high volatility, and inherent multidimensionality. This paper reviews how biomedical engineering has recently taken advantage of HBase, with an emphasis over cloud, in order to reliably host cardiovascular and respiratory time series. Moreover, the deployment of offline biomedical analytics over HBase is explored.
翻译:Apache HBase是新兴Hadoop生态系统的支柱之一,是一个NOSQL关键值和圆柱式家庭混合数据库,与传统的RDBMS不同,该数据库是有意设计的,旨在可伸缩地存储大型、半结构化和多种数据。这类数据的主要实例是生物信号,其特征是大量、高度波动和固有的多维性。本文回顾了生物医学工程最近如何利用HBase,重点是云层,以便可靠地存储心血管和呼吸时间序列。此外,还探讨了在HBase上部署离线生物医学分析器的问题。