The paper introduces a new type of constant function market maker, the constant power root market marker. We show that the constant sum (used by mStable), constant product (used by Uniswap and Balancer), constant reserve (HOLD-ing), and constant harmonic mean trading functions are special cases of the constant power root trading function. We derive the value function for liquidity providers, marginal price function, price impact function, impermanent loss function, and greeks for constant power root market markers. In particular, we find that as the power q varies from the range of -infinity to 1, the power root function interpolates between the harmonic (q=-1), geometric (q=0), and arithmetic (q=1) means. This provides a toggle that trades off between price slippage for traders and impermanent loss for liquidity providers. As the power q approaches 1, slippage is low and impermanent loss is high. As q approaches to -1, price slippage increases and impermanent loss decreases.
翻译:本文引入了一种新型的恒定功能市场制造者,即恒定的电源根市场标记。 我们发现,恒定总和(由MSStabit使用)、恒定产品(由Uniswap和平衡器使用)、恒定储备(HOLD-ing)和恒定的调和平均交易功能是恒定的根交易功能的特殊案例。 我们得出流动性提供者的值功能、边际价格功能、价格影响功能、不永久损失功能以及恒定的电源根市场标记的greeks。 特别是, 我们发现,当功率q Q 范围从 - 无限范围到 1 之间, 功率根函数在协调(q=-1)、 几何测量(q=0) 和算术(q=1) 之间相互交错。 这就使得交易者的价格下跌与流动性提供者的不永久损失之间发生交易。 当功率接近1时, 滑坡是低的,不永久损失是高的。我们发现, q Q 方法到-1, 价格滑坡增加和永久损失减少。