Quantum secret sharing is an important cryptographic primitive for network applications ranging from secure money transfer to multiparty quantum computation. Currently most progresses on quantum secret sharing suffer from rate-distance bound, and thus the key rates are limited and unpractical for large-scale deployment. Furthermore, the performance of most existing protocols is analyzed in the asymptotic regime without considering participant attacks. Here we report a measurement-device-independent quantum secret sharing protocol with improved key rate and transmission distance. Based on spatial multiplexing, our protocol shows it can break rate-distance bounds over network under at least ten communication parties. Compared with other protocols, our work improves the secret key rate by more than two orders of magnitude and has a longer transmission distance. We analyze the security of our protocol in the composable framework considering participant attacks. Based on the security analysis, we also evaluate their performance in the finite-size regime. In addition, we investigate applying our protocol to digital signatures where the signature rate is improved more than $10^7$ times compared with existing protocols. Based on our results, we anticipate that our quantum secret sharing protocol will provide a solid future for multiparty applications on quantum network.