We have conducted a near-infrared monitoring campaign at the UK InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT), of the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 (Triangulum). The main aim was to identify stars in the very final stage of their evolution, and for which the luminosity is more directly related to the birth mass than the more numerous less-evolved giant stars that continue to increase in luminosity. The most extensive dataset was obtained in the K-band with the UIST instrument for the central 4'x 4' (1 square kpc) - this contains the nuclear star cluster and inner disc. These data, taken during the period 2003-2007, were complemented by J- and H-band images. Photometry was obtained for 18,398 stars in this region; of these, 812 stars were found to be variable, most of which are Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. Our data were matched to optical catalogues of variable stars and carbon stars, and to mid-infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope. In this first of a series of papers, we present the methodology of the variability survey and the photometric catalogue - which is made publicly available at the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) - and discuss the properties of the variable stars. Most dusty AGB stars had not been previously identified in optical variability surveys, and our survey is also more complete for these types of stars than the Spitzer survey.
翻译:我们在当地集团螺旋星系M33(Trianggulum)的英国红外望远镜(UKIRT)中开展了近红外监测运动,其主要目的是查明处于其进化最后阶段的恒星,其光度与其诞生质量相比,在成形阶段的恒星中,光度与其成形质量更为直接相关,远多于成色变异巨型恒星,其中多数为成色成像仪(AGB)恒星,我们的数据与中央4'x4'(1平方kpc)的UIST仪器相匹配,其中包括核星群和内盘。这些数据在2003-2007年期间采集的,由J-和H波段图像加以补充。在这个区域,18,398颗恒星的光度测量结果与诞生质量有更直接的关系,而其中812颗恒星的成像是恒,大部分是成形Gistry Giant(AGB)星的光学目录,在Stizer 空间望远镜中还进行了中成型摄影测量。在一系列论文的首期中,我们提供的DIS变异性勘测图是用于Star Stal Stal Sty Ex Ex测量和Sy Ex Ex Excental Ex Ex 的Salicudistral Excreal Excreal Excial ex Excal ex ex ex ex ex。