By enabling multiple agents to cooperatively solve a global optimization problem in the absence of a central coordinator, decentralized stochastic optimization is gaining increasing attention in areas as diverse as machine learning, control, and sensor networks. Since the associated data usually contain sensitive information, such as user locations and personal identities, privacy protection has emerged as a crucial need in the implementation of decentralized stochastic optimization. In this paper, we propose a decentralized stochastic optimization algorithm that is able to guarantee provable convergence accuracy even in the presence of aggressive quantization errors that are proportional to the amplitude of quantization inputs. The result applies to both convex and non-convex objective functions, and enables us to exploit aggressive quantization schemes to obfuscate shared information, and hence enables privacy protection without losing provable optimization accuracy. In fact, by using a {stochastic} ternary quantization scheme, which quantizes any value to three numerical levels, we achieve quantization-based rigorous differential privacy in decentralized stochastic optimization, which has not been reported before. In combination with the presented quantization scheme, the proposed algorithm ensures, for the first time, rigorous differential privacy in decentralized stochastic optimization without losing provable convergence accuracy. Simulation results for a distributed estimation problem as well as numerical experiments for decentralized learning on a benchmark machine learning dataset confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
翻译:通过使多个代理机构能够在没有中央协调员的情况下合作解决全球优化问题,分散的随机优化正在机器学习、控制和感官网络等不同领域日益受到越来越多的关注。由于相关数据通常包含敏感信息,例如用户位置和个人身份,因此隐私保护已成为实施分散的随机优化的关键需要。在本文件中,我们提出一个分散的随机优化算法,它能够保证可识别的趋同准确性,即使存在与量化投入的振幅成比例的侵略性量化错误,分散的随机优化也越来越受到越来越多的关注。结果既适用于对等和非对等目标功能,也使我们能够利用侵略性四分解计划来混淆共享信息,从而使得隐私保护成为实施分散的随机优化的准确性。事实上,通过使用将任何价值量化到三个数值的分散的随机优化方法,我们在分散的随机优化中实现了基于严格的保密性差异,而这一点以前从未报告过。在与展示的精度四分化评估方案相结合,在不压缩的精度的精确性精确性评估中,将拟议的数据算法作为精确性优化的精确性分析结果, 用于模拟的优化的精确性估算。