In conventional public clouds, designing a suitable initial cluster for a given application workload is important in reducing the computational foot-print during run-time. In edge or on-premise clouds, cold-start rightsizing the cluster at the time of installation is crucial in avoiding the recurrent capital expenditure. In both these cases, rightsizing has to balance cost-performance trade-off for a given application with multiple tasks, where each task can demand multiple resources, and the cloud offers nodes with different capacity and cost. Multidimensional bin-packing can address this cold-start rightsizing problem, but assumes that every task is always active. In contrast, real-world tasks (e.g. load bursts, batch and dead-lined tasks with time-limits) may be active only during specific time-periods or may have dynamic load profiles. The cluster cost can be reduced by reusing resources via time sharing and optimal packing. This motivates our generalized problem of cold-start rightsizing for time-limited tasks: given a timeline, time-periods and resource demands for tasks, the objective is to place the tasks on a minimum cost cluster of nodes without violating node capacities at any time instance. We design a baseline two-phase algorithm that performs penalty-based mapping of task to node-type and then, solves each node-type independently. We prove that the algorithm has an approximation ratio of O(D min(m, T)), where D, m and T are the number of resources, node-types and timeslots, respectively. We then present an improved linear programming based mapping strategy, enhanced further with a cross-node-type filling mechanism. Our experiments on synthetic and real-world cluster traces show significant cost reduction by LP-based mapping compared to the baseline, and the filling mechanism improves further to produce solutions within 20% of (a lower-bound to) the optimal solution.
翻译:在常规公共云中,为特定应用工作量设计一个合适的初始组群对于减少运行时的计算脚印十分重要。 在边缘或准备时的云层中,安装时对集群的冷启动权对于避免经常性资本支出至关重要。 在这两种情况下,对一个应用程序的冷启动权对于避免经常性资本支出至关重要。 在这两种情况下,对一个特定应用程序的成本-绩效权衡中,每个任务都可以要求多种资源,而云能提供不同的能力和成本的节点。 多层面组合可以解决这个冷启动权化的问题, 但假设每个任务总是在运行中。 相比之下,真实世界任务( 例如, 运行周期、 批发和死线任务) 可能只在特定时间段或具有动态的负载配置。 通过时间共享和优化包装来重新使用资源可以降低组合成本成本。 这促使我们对于基于时间范围的任务的冷启动权的普遍问题: 鉴于一个时间框架、 时间周期和跨任务的资源需求,我们的目标是将任务置于一个最小的成本组合上, 而不是直线型、 分期、 分期和直线任务周期内, 将每个不违反直线型战略周期的战略比, 进行一次连续进行大幅的计算, 运行到直线式的计算, 向任何直线型的计算, 以任何直线式的计算, 将一个连续的计算到一个运行的直线路路路路路路路路路流流流 运行到任何时间段到任何时间到一个连续进行。