In most E-commerce platforms, whether the displayed items trigger the user's interest largely depends on their most eye-catching multimodal content. Consequently, increasing efforts focus on modeling multimodal user preference, and the pressing paradigm is to incorporate complete multimodal deep features of the items into the recommendation module. However, the existing studies ignore the mismatch problem between multimodal feature extraction (MFE) and user interest modeling (UIM). That is, MFE and UIM have different emphases. Specifically, MFE is migrated from and adapted to upstream tasks such as image classification. In addition, it is mainly a content-oriented and non-personalized process, while UIM, with its greater focus on understanding user interaction, is essentially a user-oriented and personalized process. Therefore, the direct incorporation of MFE into UIM for purely user-oriented tasks, tends to introduce a large number of preference-independent multimodal noise and contaminate the embedding representations in UIM. This paper aims at solving the mismatch problem between MFE and UIM, so as to generate high-quality embedding representations and better model multimodal user preferences. Towards this end, we develop a novel model, MEGCF. The UIM of the proposed model captures the semantic correlation between interactions and the features obtained from MFE, thus making a better match between MFE and UIM. More precisely, semantic-rich entities are first extracted from the multimodal data, since they are more relevant to user preferences than other multimodal information. These entities are then integrated into the user-item interaction graph. Afterwards, a symmetric linear Graph Convolution Network (GCN) module is constructed to perform message propagation over the graph, in order to capture both high-order semantic correlation and collaborative filtering signals.
翻译:在大多数电子商务平台中,显示的项目是否引起用户的兴趣,主要取决于其最能吸引用户注意的多式联运内容。因此,越来越多的努力侧重于模拟多式用户偏好,而紧迫的范式是将项目完全的多式深度特征纳入建议模块;然而,现有研究忽视了多式联运特征提取和用户兴趣建模之间的不匹配问题。也就是说,MFE和UIM有不同的重点。具体地说,MFE从多式用户偏好中迁移,并适应于诸如图像分类等上游任务。此外,它主要是内容导向和非个性化进程,而UIM更注重理解用户互动,基本上是一个面向用户的、个性化的过程。因此,将MFE直接纳入UIM中纯粹面向用户的任务,往往引入大量依赖偏爱的多式联运噪音,并污染UIM中嵌入的演示。 本文旨在解决MFE和UIM之间的不匹配问题,从而产生高质量的嵌入和更好的多式多式用户偏好。为了达到这一目的,我们开发了一个新的数字模型,因此,IM的模型和多式的模型的模型的模型模型模型中、多式的MEFEFAFA模块模块模块的模型的模型是更高。