When manipulating objects, humans finely adapt their motions to the characteristics of what they are handling. Thus, an attentive observer can foresee hidden properties of the manipulated object, such as its weight, temperature, and even whether it requires special care in manipulation. This study is a step towards endowing a humanoid robot with this last capability. Specifically, we study how a robot can infer online, from vision alone, whether or not the human partner is careful when moving an object. We demonstrated that a humanoid robot could perform this inference with high accuracy (up to 81.3%) even with a low-resolution camera. Only for short movements without obstacles, carefulness recognition was insufficient. The prompt recognition of movement carefulness from observing the partner's action will allow robots to adapt their actions on the object to show the same degree of care as their human partners.
翻译:当操控物体时,人类会细微调整动作,以适应所操作物体的特性。 因此, 仔细观察的观察者可以预见被操纵物体的隐藏特性, 如重量、 温度, 甚至是否需要特别小心操作。 此研究是向赋予人类机器人以此最后能力迈出的一步。 具体地说, 我们研究机器人如何从网上从视觉上推断, 人类伙伴在移动物体时是否小心谨慎。 我们证明, 人类机器人即使使用低分辨率相机, 也可以以高精度( 高达81.3%) 进行这种推断。 只有在没有障碍的短距离移动时, 谨慎度识别是不够的。 观察伙伴动作的小心度能让机器人在观察物体时迅速认识到动作的小心度, 从而可以让机器人调整其在物体上的行为, 表现出与人类伙伴同样的谨慎度 。