Schelling's model is an influential model that reveals how individual perceptions and incentives can lead to racial segregation. Inspired by a recent stream of work, we study welfare guarantees and complexity in this model with respect to several welfare measures. First, we show that while maximizing the social welfare is NP-hard, computing an assignment with approximately half of the maximum welfare can be done in polynomial time. We then consider Pareto optimality and introduce two new optimality notions, and establish mostly tight bounds on the worst-case welfare loss for assignments satisfying these notions. In addition, we show that for trees, it is possible to decide whether there exists an assignment that gives every agent a positive utility in polynomial time; moreover, when every node in the topology has degree at least $2$, such an assignment always exists and can be found efficiently.
翻译:Schelling的模型是一个具有影响力的模式,它揭示了个人观点和激励因素如何导致种族隔离。在近期工作流的启发下,我们研究了福利保障和这一模式中若干福利措施的复杂性。首先,我们表明,在尽量扩大社会福利的同时,PN-硬体化,计算一项拥有大约一半最大福利的派任可以在多民族时期完成。然后,我们考虑Pareto最佳性,引入两个新的最佳性理念,并对满足这些理念的派任的最坏情况的福利损失规定大致严格的界限。 此外,我们表明,对于树木,我们有可能确定是否有一项任务在多民族时期给每个代理带来积极效用;此外,当每个顶层的节点至少具有2美元的水平时,这种派任总是存在,并且能够有效找到。