In this paper, we present CogNet, a knowledge base (KB) dedicated to integrating three types of knowledge: (1) linguistic knowledge from FrameNet, which schematically describes situations, objects and events. (2) world knowledge from YAGO, Freebase, DBpedia and Wikidata, which provides explicit knowledge about specific instances. (3) commonsense knowledge from ConceptNet, which describes implicit general facts. To model these different types of knowledge consistently, we introduce a three-level unified frame-styled representation architecture. To integrate free-form commonsense knowledge with other structured knowledge, we propose a strategy that combines automated labeling and crowdsourced annotation. At present, CogNet integrates 1,000+ semantic frames from linguistic KBs, 20,000,000+ frame instances from world KBs, as well as 90,000+ commonsense assertions from commonsense KBs. All these data can be easily queried and explored on our online platform, and free to download in RDF format for utilization under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. The demo and data are available at
翻译:在本文中,我们介绍CogNet,这是一个知识库(KB),专门整合三种类型的知识:(1) 来自FrameNet的语言知识,它从结构上描述各种情况、物体和事件;(2) 来自YAGO、Freebase、DBpedia和Wikigata的世界知识,它提供关于具体事例的明确知识。(3) 来自概念网的常识知识,它描述了隐含的一般事实。为了对这些不同类型的知识进行一致的建模,我们采用了一个三级的统一框架式代表结构结构。为了将自由形式的常识与其他结构化知识结合起来,我们提出了一项战略,将自动标签和众包注结合起来。目前,CogNet整合了来自语言KBs 的1,000+语义框架,来自世界KBs 的20 000,000,000+ 样框,以及来自Commissen KBs的常识。所有这些数据都可以在我们的在线平台上轻易查询和探索,并且可以免费下载RDF格式,供在CC-BY-SA 4.0许可下使用。