Background: Biomedical research projects deal with data management requirements from multiple sources like funding agencies' guidelines, publisher policies, discipline best practices, and their own users' needs. We describe functional and quality requirements based on many years of experience implementing data management for the CRC 1002 and CRC 1190. A fully equipped data management software should improve documentation of experiments and materials, enable data storage and sharing according to the FAIR Guiding Principles while maximizing usability, information security, as well as software sustainability and reusability. Results: We introduce the modular web portal software menoci for data collection, experiment documentation, data publication, sharing, and preservation in biomedical research projects. Menoci modules are based on the Drupal content management system which enables lightweight deployment and setup, and creates the possibility to combine research data management with a customisable project home page or collaboration platform. Conclusions: Management of research data and digital research artefacts is transforming from individual researcher or groups best practices towards project- or organisation-wide service infrastructures. To enable and support this structural transformation process, a vital ecosystem of open source software tools is needed. Menoci is a contribution to this ecosystem of research data management tools that is specifically designed to support biomedical research projects.
翻译:生物医学研究项目涉及来自多种来源的数据管理要求,如供资机构的准则、出版商政策、学科最佳做法及其用户的需要。我们根据多年来实施CRC 1002和CRC 1190数据管理的经验描述功能和质量要求。设备齐全的数据管理软件应当改进实验和材料的文献记录,根据FAIR指导原则进行数据储存和共享,同时最大限度地提高可用性、信息安全以及软件的可持续性和可再使用性。结果:我们为生物医学研究项目的数据收集、实验文件、数据公布、分享和保存引入模块式网络门户软件组合。模版基于Drupal内容管理系统,使轻度部署和设置成为可能,并创造将研究数据管理与定制项目主页或协作平台相结合的可能性。结论:研究数据和数字研究工艺的管理正在从单个研究人员或团体的最佳做法转变为项目或组织范围的服务基础设施。为了扶持和支持这一结构转型进程,需要一种开放源软件工具的重要生态系统。Mensoci对专门设计用于支持生物医学研究项目的研究数据管理工具的生态系统作出了贡献。