Short answer: Yes, Long answer: No! Indeed, research on adversarial robustness has led to invaluable insights helping us understand and explore different aspects of the problem. Many attacks and defenses have been proposed over the last couple of years. The problem, however, remains largely unsolved and poorly understood. Here, I argue that the current formulation of the problem serves short term goals, and needs to be revised for us to achieve bigger gains. Specifically, the bound on perturbation has created a somewhat contrived setting and needs to be relaxed. This has misled us to focus on model classes that are not expressive enough to begin with. Instead, inspired by human vision and the fact that we rely more on robust features such as shape, vertices, and foreground objects than non-robust features such as texture, efforts should be steered towards looking for significantly different classes of models. Maybe instead of narrowing down on imperceptible adversarial perturbations, we should attack a more general problem which is finding architectures that are simultaneously robust to perceptible perturbations, geometric transformations (e.g. rotation, scaling), image distortions (lighting, blur), and more (e.g. occlusion, shadow). Only then we may be able to solve the problem of adversarial vulnerability.
翻译:短答案是: 是的, 长答案 : 长答案 : 不! 事实上, 对对抗性强力的研究已经导致宝贵的洞察力, 帮助我们理解和探索问题的不同方面。 许多攻击和防御都是在过去几年里提出的。 然而, 问题基本上仍未解决, 并且没有得到很好理解 。 在这里, 我争论说, 目前这一问题的提法符合短期目标, 需要修改, 以便我们取得更大的收益 。 具体地说, 扰动的束缚造成了一种有点自圆其说的环境, 需要放松。 这已经误导了我们把注意力集中在模型类上, 而这些模型并不具有足够的表象性。 相反, 受人类视觉的启发, 以及我们更依赖形状、 脊椎和表面物体等强健健的特征, 而不是像纹理这样的非紫外形特征。 努力应该被引导到寻找截然不同的模型。 也许不是缩小不可察觉的对立的对立的对立的对立度,, 我们应该应对一个更普遍的问题。 正在找到一个同时坚固的架构, 与可辨察到的对立性、 地变形的对立性转变( 例如, ) 、 的对立性( ) 的对立性( 我们的对立性, ) 可能的对立性( ) ( ) ( ) 的对立性( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (