HyCoR is a fully-operational fault tolerance mechanism for multiprocessor workloads, based on container replication, using a hybrid of checkpointing and replay. HyCoR derives from two insights regarding replication mechanisms: 1) deterministic replay can overcome a key disadvantage of checkpointing alone -- unacceptably long delays of outputs to clients, and 2) checkpointing can overcome a key disadvantage of active replication with deterministic replay alone -- vulnerability to even rare replay failures due to an untracked nondeterministic events. With HyCoR, the primary sends periodic checkpoints to the backup and logs the outcomes of sources of nondeterminism. Outputs to clients are delayed only by the short time it takes to send the corresponding log to the backup. Upon primary failure, the backup replays only the short interval since the last checkpoint, thus minimizing the window of vulnerability. HyCoR includes a "best effort" mechanism that results in a high recovery rate even in the presence of data races, as long as their rate is low. The evaluation includes measurement of the recovery rate and recovery latency based on fault injection. On average, HyCoR delays responses to clients by less than 1ms and recovers in less than 1s. For a set of eight real-world benchmarks, if data races are eliminated, the performance overhead of HyCoR is under 59%.
翻译:HyCorR是一个全面操作的多处理器工作量的过错容忍机制,其基础是集装箱复制,采用检查和重弹混合法,它是一个全面操作的多处理器工作量的过错容忍机制。 HyCorR从两个关于复制机制的洞察中产生。 HyCorR从两个方面得到的见解:(1) 确定性重播可以克服单做检查的关键缺点 -- -- 无法令人接受地长期拖延产出给客户;(2) 检查可以克服仅靠确定性重播来积极复制的关键缺点 -- -- 仅靠确定性重播决定性重播是无法令人接受的拖延时间;(2) 检查可以克服由于数据竞赛而导致的恢复率甚至罕见的重播失败。在HyCorR, 向客户发送相应的产出只在短短的时间内延延延延。 平均而言, HyConR 真实性重播的回复率是比1MyCon标准低的,如果在1Mero中,则会比1Meal Revoral Revoral 的回收率是低于1Mial 标准。