A temporal graph is a graph whose edges appear only at certain points in time. In these graphs, reachability among the nodes relies on paths that traverse edges in chronological order (\emph{temporal paths}). Unlike standard paths, temporal paths are not always composable, thus the reachability relation is \emph{not transitive} and connected components do not form equivalence classes. We investigate the evolution of connected components in a simple model of random temporal graphs. In this model, a random temporal graph is obtained by permuting uniformly at random the edges of an Erd\"os-R\'enyi graph and interpreting the positions in this permutation as presence times. Phase transitions for several reachability properties were recently characterized in this model [Casteigts et al., FOCS 2021], in particular for one-to-one, one-to-all, and all-to-all reachability. The characterization of similar transitions for the existence of giant components was left open. In this paper, we develop a set of new techniques and use them to characterize the emergence of giant components in random temporal graphs. Our results imply that the growth of temporal components departs significantly from its classical analog. In particular, the largest component transitions abruptly from containing almost no vertices to almost all vertices at $p = \log n / n$, whereas in static random graphs (directed or not), a giant component of intermediate size arises first, and keeps steadily growing afterwards. This threshold holds for both \emph{open} and \emph{closed} temporal components, i.e., components that respectively allow or forbid the use of external nodes to achieve internal reachability, a distinction arising in the absence of transitivity.
翻译:时间图是一个图形, 其边缘仅出现在特定时间点。 { 在这些图形中, 节点之间的可达性依赖于时间顺序顺序( emph{ 时间路径 } ) 的路径。 与标准路径不同, 时间路径并非总可以折叠, 因此, 时间路径的可实现性关系不构成等值类。 我们用随机时间图的简单模型来调查连接组件的演变情况。 在这个模型中, 随机地在 Erd\" os- R\' enyi 图形的边缘以随机的方式获取随机的随机时间图, 并且将中间曲线的大小解释。 与标准路径不同, 时间路径路径的可实现性变化最近特征是 [Casteigts et al., FOSCS 20211], 且连接组件不构成等等同等同的等同级级。 在本文中, 没有固定的直径直径图形图中, 直径直到正向内, 直径的内端部分不会出现。