Europe was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and Portugal was one of the most affected countries, having suffered three waves in the first twelve months. Approximately between Jan 19th and Feb 5th 2021 Portugal was the country in the world with the largest incidence rate, with 14-days incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants in excess of 1000. Despite its importance, accurate prediction of the geospatial evolution of COVID-19 remains a challenge, since existing analytical methods fail to capture the complex dynamics that result from both the contagion within a region and the spreading of the infection from infected neighboring regions. We use a previously developed methodology and official municipality level data from the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS), relative to the first twelve months of the pandemic, to compute an estimate of the incidence rate in each location of mainland Portugal. The resulting sequence of incidence rate maps was then used as a gold standard to test the effectiveness of different approaches in the prediction of the spatial-temporal evolution of the incidence rate. Four different methods were tested: a simple cell level autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, a cell level vector autoregressive (VAR) model, a municipality-by-municipality compartmental SIRD model followed by direct block sequential simulation and a convolutional sequence-to-sequence neural network model based on the STConvS2S architecture. We conclude that the convolutional sequence-to-sequence neural network is the best performing method, when predicting the medium-term future incidence rate, using the available information.
翻译:欧洲受到COVID-19大流行的沉重打击,葡萄牙是受影响最严重的国家之一,在头12个月中经历了三波,大约在2021年1月19日至2月5日之间,葡萄牙是世界上发病率最高的国家,每10万居民中有14天的发病率超过1000人,尽管其重要性很大,但准确预测COVID-19的地理空间演变仍然是一个挑战,因为现有的分析方法未能捕捉到一个区域内的传染和受感染邻近地区的感染蔓延所造成的复杂动态。我们使用葡萄牙卫生总局(DGS)先前开发的方法和官方城市一级数据,与该流行病头12个月相比,葡萄牙是世界上的发病率最高的国家,每10万居民中有14天的发病率超过1000人。因此,对COVID-19的地理空间演变的准确预测仍然是一项挑战,因为现有分析方法未能捕捉到该区域内的传染和受感染的邻近地区的传染的传播。我们使用葡萄牙卫生总局(DGS)先前制定的方法和官方的市一级矢量水平数据数据,计算出葡萄牙大陆每个地点的发病率估计数。随后使用测得的频率测测测测测图序列,测试不同方法测试了不同方法,以SBRAFRBER2 和S 级的S 的S 级平级平级结构结构结构结构 。