The volume of the distribution of possible weight configurations associated with a loss value may be the source of implicit regularization from overparameterization due to the phenomenon of contracting volume with increasing dimensions for geometric figures demonstrated by hyperspheres. This paper introduces geometric regularization and explores potential applicability to several unexplained phenomenon including double descent, the differences between wide and deep networks, the benefits of He initialization and retained proximity in training, gradient confusion, fitness landscape properties, double descent in other learning paradigms, and other findings for overparameterized learning. Experiments are conducted by aggregating histograms of loss values corresponding to randomly sampled initializations in small setups, which find directional correlations in zero or central mode dominance from deviations in width, depth, and initialization distributions. Double descent is likely due to a regularization phase change when a training path reaches low enough loss that the loss manifold volume contraction from a reduced range of potential weight sets is amplified by an overparameterized geometry.