项目名称: 重载斜盘泵滑靴副剧烈磨损阶段动力学特性及状态评估研究
项目编号: No.51505411
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 刘思远
作者单位: 燕山大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 滑靴副是重载斜盘泵的关键摩擦副,受恶劣工况的影响极易进入剧烈磨损阶段,而产生磨损失效故障,使正常工况下的动力学机理发生改变。为及早发现设备异常,准确评估滑靴副磨损失效的早期故障状态,必须探索新的动力学理论。本项目将全面考虑弹流润滑特性、热效应以及摩擦学特性与动力学行为的耦合关系,建立摩擦动力学系统模型;结合实际工况,采用数值分析方法考察运行参数和结构参数变化对动力学系统的影响规律,揭示磨损失效发展机理;从动力学模型和变工况条件下的故障模拟实验中获取敏感特征信息,通过信息融合方法构建描述滑靴副不同磨损程度的敏感特征集;引入知识工程的思想,采用集对分析方法构建摩擦学系统的状态评估体系,实现对滑靴副磨损失效等级的评估。本项目的研究成果可以丰富和完善液压系统故障诊断的理论体系,揭示斜盘泵故障状态的发展规律,为提高斜盘泵故障诊断和健康状态评估的准确性提供坚实的理论基础。
中文关键词: 重载斜盘泵;滑靴副;摩擦动力学;剧烈磨损;状态评估
英文摘要: The slipper pair is the key friction pair to the overloaded swash plate pump, which is easy to be in violent wear stage affected by bad working environments, thus is easier to have dynamics mechanism changes in normal working conditions due to wear failure. In order to solve unusual equipment station and accurate slipper pair wear failure assessment, we must explore new dynamics theory. The project will take some factors into consideration comprehensively such as lubricating property, thermal effect, coupling relationship between tribological characteristics and dynamic behaviors and propose friction dynamics system model firstly; Combined with actual working condition, the wear failure mechanism has been put forward based on numerical analysis method, which reveals the influence law of operating parameters and structure parameters on dynamic system; According to fault simulation experiments with dynamics model and changed working condition, sensitive characteristics have been attained and sensitive characteristics set of slipper pair with different attrition rate also been achieved by information fusion methods; And, the introduction of knowledge engineering and set pair analysis method for construction of status assessment system of tribology is the premise to ensure the hierarchical evaluation of wear-out failure on slipper pair. Studies of the project are expected to enrich and perfect theoretical system of hydraulic fault diagnosis; to expose the law of fault development for swash plate pump; and to contribute to provide substantial rationale for improving accuracy of fault diagnosis and health status assessment.
英文关键词: Overloaded swash plate pump;Slipper pair;Friction dynamics;Violent wear;Status assessment