项目名称: 基于生物力学随机模型的人-桥相互作用机理研究
项目编号: No.51508415
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 吴冬雁
作者单位: 温州大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着一系列人行桥振动问题的突显,其人致振动问题引起了广泛的关注。然而,由于对人-桥动力相互作用认识的不足,使得现行的人行荷载模型存在一定的计算偏差。针对这一问题本项目通过大量人行步伐力实验,采用基于遗传算法的模型识别技术,建立能同时反映行人行走特征及个体差异性的生物力学随机模型;并从自激力角度,提出考虑个体差异性影响下的人-桥相互作用效应评价方法,通过探讨结构振动对自激力的影响,揭示人-桥相互作用机理;进一步通过建立随机生物力学模型流作用下的结构耦合振动计算方法,并结合人群中人-人同步率的考虑,实现人群-桥相互作用中人-桥同步和人-人同步的综合分析。在此基础上,通过随机生物模型作用下结构振动的蒙特卡洛分析,基于等效原则提出考虑人-桥相互作用影响下的简便的等效人行荷载模型,进一步通过响应谱法理念,实现荷载模型在各类人行桥的推广应用,为人行桥的工程设计及计算提供理论基础与依据。
中文关键词: 生物力学;随机模型;人-桥相互作用;等效人行荷载
英文摘要: With appearance of a series of vibration problems of footbridge, the pedestrian induced vibration problem of footbridges has been widely focused on around the world. However, with significant uncertainties in human-structure interaction(HSI), there are still deviation between actual pedestrian forceand existing loading model. To solve this problem a database of walking contact force is present based on walking tests, and a genetic algorithm based parameter identification of biomechanical model is proposed. A database of biomechanical model reflecting the characteristics of human walking and the inter-subject variabilityis established based on the identification method. Then the effect of HSI considering the influence of inter-subject variability is estimated in terms of self-excited force. The bridge motion’s effect on the pedestrian is investigated to study the mechanism of HSI. Further, the multi-human structure interaction system is developed taking the effect of synchronization between pedestrian into account.Hence the synchronisation between people and the synchronisation between people-structure can be discussed simultaneously in this system. On the basis, Monte Carlo procedure is conduct to obtain the stochastic characteristics of peak response. Then a simplified loading model is present providing the same peak response with the one from Monte Carlo procedure. And with the modification by using response spectrum method, the load model can be extended to different kinds of footbridges. Therefore provide reliable base for response prediction and structural design of footbridge.
英文关键词: Biomechanical model;Stochastic model;Human-structure interaction;Equivalent pedestrian loading