项目名称: 甲基苯丙胺依赖者奖赏环路影响风险决策的脑功能机制
项目编号: No.81501148
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 钟娜
作者单位: 上海市精神卫生中心
项目金额: 17.5万元
中文摘要: 甲基苯丙胺(MA)依赖者风险决策缺陷促进依赖和复吸形成,有研究提示MA依赖者奖赏环路改变可引起风险决策缺陷。本课题组前期研究发现MA依赖者有风险决策固着,功能核磁共振(fMRI)提示在字色干扰任务时MA依赖者较对照组奖赏及认知脑区功能异常。本研究假设MA依赖者奖赏环路影响风险决策,其神经机制在于决策脑区(如前额叶)激活减少、奖赏脑区(如纹状体、岛叶)激活增加、决策-奖赏脑区功能连接减弱,且戒断后奖赏环路仍影响风险决策。本课题采用纵向随访、事件相关fMRI方法,招募MA依赖者及对照者各30例,通过静息态、任务态(奖赏图片任务、仿真气球冒险任务BART、图片任务结合BART)的fMRI数据确定MA依赖者风险决策相关脑区功能,并明确奖赏环路对其影响的神经机制,及其与滥用指标、戒断、认知功能、冲动性的相关性。本项目将明确MA依赖者奖赏环路对风险决策的影响,为MA依赖及复吸的形成提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 甲基苯丙胺依赖;风险决策;奖赏环路;功能核磁共振;纵向研究
英文摘要: The risky-decision deficits of the methamphetamine (MA) addicts promotes the addiction and relapse, some research proved that maladaptive changes of the rewarding loop might induce risky-decision deficits of MA addicts. Our previous researches found that there existed risky-decision deficits in MA users, and during the word-color interference task the MA addicts showed more activation in rewarding brain region but less activation in cognitive control brain region compared with healthy controls. The study hypotheses that the neural mechanisam of impact of rewarding loop on risky-decision: hyper-activation in cognitive control region (such as prefrontal cortex, cingulate), hypo-activation in rewarding region (such as striatum, insula), and the decreased functional connectivity of the risky-decision region and rewarding region, even after abstinence the maladaptive rewarding loop does impact on risky-decision deficits. Under longitudinal event-related functional magnetic resonance scanning (fMRI), the study will recruit 30 MA addcits and 30 healthy controls, the resting data and task-related fMRI data (rewarding picture task, Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART). Rewarding picture combined with BART) would explain the brain function related with risky decision of MA addicts, clarify the neural mechanism of the impact of rewarding loop on risky-decision deficits, and its relationship with abuse indexes, duration of abstinence, cognitive function and impulsiveness. This research will clarify the impact of the rewarding loop on risky-decision deficits, and to provide evidences of MA addiction and relapse.
英文关键词: methamphetamine dependence;risky decision;rewarding loop;functional magnetic resonance imaging;longitudinal study