项目名称: 生物单分子光谱成像半导体共轭聚合物荧光功能纳米探针的合成及应用研究
项目编号: No.21205037
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 分析化学
项目作者: 肖乐辉
作者单位: 湖南师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 半导体共轭聚合物高分子作为目前重要的有机光电器件发光材料,其具有十分优良的光物理学特性,如高量子产率、大的光子吸收截面积以及良好的光稳定性等。为此,探索开发出水溶性、高量子产率以及功能化多模态共轭聚合物荧光纳米探针,将在生物医学成像研究领域有着极为重要的应用价值。本项目拟利用两性聚合物分子为保护剂,结合反相微乳以及共沉降等方法,探索开发出水溶性半导体共轭聚合物荧光纳米探针,同时结合等离子体纳米颗粒,开发出具有荧光各向异性以及光热转化等功能纳米探针,在活细胞水平上探讨以该类探针材料为模型的纳米运输载体与细胞膜表面的相互作用机制、纳米载体在细胞内的主动运输机理以及成像介导的药物可控释放方案等。
中文关键词: 共轭聚合物;荧光纳米颗粒;单颗粒成像;细胞成像;等离子共振纳米颗粒
英文摘要: As an important light emitting material for organic light emitting diodes, semiconducting conjugated polymer has lots of promising photophysical advantages, e.g. high fluorescent quantum yield, large photon absorption cross-section, good photostability and so on. Thus, developing water-soluble, high quantum yield and multifunctional fluorescent semiconducting conjugated polymer nanoprobes willhavesignificant applications in biomedical imaging studies. In this proposal, we plan to utilize amphiphilic polymer as the surface protection reagent. Under the help of miniemulsion and nano-coprecipitation strategies, we are trying to develop general methods for the fabrication of water-soluble fluorescent semiconducting conjugated polymer nanoprobes. Meanwhile, through integrating functional plasmonic nanoparticles into these nanoprobes, we plan to further develop multifunctional nanocargos with anisotropic fluorescent and photo/thermal conversion features. With these nanoprobes, at single particle level, we are trying to extensively exploring the interaction mechanism between protein functionalized nanocargo and living cell membrane, the transporting mechanism of nanocargos inside the cytosol and the strategies for imaging-guided controllable drug delivery.
英文关键词: Conjugated polymer;fluorescent nanoparticle;single particle imaging;cell imaging;plasmonic nanoparticle