项目名称: 向列相液晶的非局域光学克尔非线性过程
项目编号: No.11274125
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 郭旗
作者单位: 华南师范大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 向列相液晶中来源于液晶分子重取向机理的光学克尔效应,在空间上和时间上均表现出非局域性。本研究计划将讨论利用向列相液晶的非局域非线性来实现光弹(时空光孤子)稳定传输和光脉冲群速度控制的可能性。研究内容包括:①建立脉冲光束与液晶分子非线性相互作用的模型,②用该模型来讨论在液晶非线性的时间非局域和空间非局域的共同(耦合)作用下,激光脉冲光束的传输行为、以及能否形成光弹并稳定传输,③用该模型来讨论光脉冲的慢光速和快光速问题,④研制具有光洁输出面的液晶样品盒,为下一步的实验工作做准备。 光弹的稳定传输和光脉冲的群速度控制问题,均是物理学领域中的前沿命题,具有重大潜在应用前景。光弹技术可望导致显微镜系统和微雕刻系统的技术革命,也可望应用于微机械控制系统。实现群速度的精确控制,对全光通信系统、量子通信系统、量子计算系统的实现将具有推动作用。因此,本研究计划具有科学的意义和潜在的应用。
中文关键词: 向列相液晶;光学Kerr效应;非局域非线性;时空光孤子;慢光速和快光速
英文摘要: The optical Kerr effect in nematic liquid crystals due to the molecular reorientation exhibits the nonlinear nonlocality both temporally and spatially. In this proposal, we will explore the possibility of the realization of the stable light bullets (spatiotemporal optical solitons) and the slow light and the fast light of optical pulses in nematic liquid crystals by use of their nonlinear nonlocality. The contents include four parts. They are, respectively, (1) to establish the theoretical model for the nonlinear propagation of the optical pulsed beams in the nematic liquid crystals with both temporal and spatial nonlocality, (2) to discuss the stability of the light bullets in the effects of the couple between the temporally and spatially nonlocal nonlinearity based on the model, (3) to discuss the slow light and the fast light of optical pulses in nematic liquid crystals based on the model, and (4) to prepare the liquid sample cell with a flat output face for the further experiments. Both of the realization of the stable light bullets and the control of the group velocity of the optical pulses have constituted frontiers in physics, and are of their great potential in application. The technique of the light bullets could lead to improvements in microscopes and systems for carving microscale devices, and the l
英文关键词: nematic liquid crystals;optical Kerr effects;nonlocal nonlinearity;spatiotemporal optical solitons;slow light and fast light