项目名称: 气溶胶冰核对强风暴云微物理过程和降水影响研究
项目编号: No.41205099
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 大气科学学科
项目作者: 杨慧玲
作者单位: 中国科学院大气物理研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着工业发展和人类活动加剧,排放到大气中的气溶胶日益增多。气溶胶不仅可以充当云凝结核(CCN,巨核-GCCN)还可以充当冰核(IN)影响云微物理过程和降水过程。鉴于人们缺乏对气溶胶冰核影响强风暴及其降水过程的了解,以及该影响在强对流天气、强降水学发展和灾害性降水预报中的重要性,本项目主要利用中尺度数值模式模拟和数值试验分析的方法,在作者之前研究气溶胶充当云凝结核对强风暴云微物理特性和降水影响的基础上,进一步研究气溶胶充当冰核(IN)对强风暴云及其降水过程的影响,其中包括气溶胶冰核对强风暴宏-微观物理结构、冰雹及其他降水形成机制和风暴动力过程的影响。项目也考虑了在不同大气环境背景下气溶胶冰核对强风暴的影响。此项研究有利于强对流天气降水学的发展、有利于灾害性天气预报准确率的提高,为污染大气背景下有效人工影响大风、暴雨和降雹天气的原理和技术研究提供科学基础。
中文关键词: 气溶胶;冰核;强风暴;云微物理;降水
英文摘要: With the intensification of industrial development and human activities, the aerosols emmitted into the atmosphere is increasing. Aerosols acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN, Giant CCN-GCCN) and ice nuclei (IN) can significantly impact the efficiency of hydrometeor growth and the resulting precipitation. Although previous studies have shown that a large number of aerosol concentrations can impact the development of convective clouds, the role of aerosols acting as IN on cloud microphysical processes and the precipitation of hailstorm clouds have not been thoroughly investigated. On the other side, the formation mechanism of hail is complicated, the effect of IN on the development of severe convective clouds and the forecast of severe precipitation could be significant. On the basis of the past research about the effects of aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN, GCCN) on cloud microphysical characters and precipitation, the numerical simulations by meso-scale model will be conducted in an attempt to the further study about the impacts of aerosols acting as ice nuclei (IN) on cloud and precipitation processes of hailstorm clouds in this project. The project aims to investigate the effects of aerosols acting as IN on macro-micro structures of hailstorms, the formation mechanisms of hail particles and the
英文关键词: aerosol;ice nuclei;hailstorm;cloud-microphysics;precipitation