项目名称: CO2微粒管内升华流动与传热问题研究
项目编号: No.51276001
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 张信荣
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: CO2微粒管内升华流体动力学与传热问题对新型的CO2制冷循环、低温法CO2工业捕获、运输等系统的设计、运行至关重要。本项目采用实验研究、理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究管内运动CO2微粒升华流体动力学与质量、动量、能量传输特性,探索其相变机理以及多尺度传输机理;研究多个运动CO2微粒升华过程中的相互作用规律及机理;研究干冰微粒不同的形貌对于升华速率和机理的影响规律;研究各种边界条件、系统几何设计、运行温度和压力等因素对升华流体动力学和传热性能的影响;研究管内CO2微粒两相流动中可能出现的阻塞现象及内部物理机制,并对其作用机理、解决方案等做深入研究与探讨。通过本项目的研究将对管内CO2微粒升华流动的特征与动量、热量传输的认识在本质上有进一步地深入的认识,为提高其在天然工质CO2低温制冷技术、CO2捕获和输运及其它能源环境技术等工程上的应用水平及系统优化与控制方面打下坚实的基础。
中文关键词: CO2;粒子流;固气两相流;微纳米模拟;升华
英文摘要: Knowledge on flow dynamics and heat tansfer of CO2 particle sublimation in a tube is critical to novel CO2 refrigeration cycles and cryogenic CO2 capture and transport systems, etc.In this project, experimental and numerical methods are utilized to investigate flow dynamics and the characteristics of mass, momentum and energy transportation in cryogenic CO2 particle-gas sublimation flow. This study aims at a deeper understanding of the nature of particle phase change and multi-scale surface transport process. The multi-particle interaction characteristics and mechanism of complex sublimation system are planned to be studied. The influence of particle surface morphology on the sublimation rate and internal mechanism will be focused. In addition, sublimation flow and heat transfer under various thermal and mechanical boundary conditions are also important for system optimizations. Furthermore, possible blockage phenomena and their formation nature will be thoroughly studied, including practical solutions. It is hoped that this project will introduce deeper understandings of CO2 particle sublimation flow and related multi-scale transport phenomena, making a strong basis for further application of novel CO2 refrigeration, CO2 capture and transportation and other systems.
英文关键词: CO2;Particle flow;Solid-gas two phase flow;Micro and nano simulation;Sublimation