项目名称: 页岩气储层微观结构及岩石物理响应数值模拟研究
项目编号: No.41202110
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 闫建平
作者单位: 西南石油大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 页岩气主要以吸附和(或)游离态赋存于页岩岩石颗粒间的(微)孔隙、(微)裂缝中或矿物、有机物的表面,页岩由于其特殊的岩石组构、孔隙空间结构及岩石物理性质,微孔、缝介质的岩石物理响应机理与常规储层有较大差异,迫切需要开展页岩气储层微观结构特征及岩石物理、电测井响应数值模拟基础研究。本项目选取四川龙马溪组、东营凹陷沙河街组页岩气发育层段的样品,首先,运用XRD、显微观察、X射线CT扫描研究页岩气层的矿物成分、微观岩石结构及(微)孔隙、裂缝结构特征,利用X射线CT数据构建页岩气微孔、缝地层模型即三维数字岩心;其次,利用数学形态学和有限元方法模拟岩石的电阻率、地层因素、电阻率增大系数及双侧向测井响应;然后,总结数值模拟规律,结合实测测井曲线,应用短时傅立叶变换、小波变换等方法提取页岩气层的时-频特征。最终,形成数字岩心模拟页岩气储层岩石物理响应及测井时频识别方法,为勘探及潜力评价提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 泥页岩;微观结构;岩石物理;核磁共振;岩相
英文摘要: Shale gas is mainly stored in the micropore, microfracture space between shale rock particles and the surface of organic matter or clay mineral in adsorbed and (or) free condition. Because shale have special rock petrofabric, special micropore space structure and special rock physical properties, there is a big different in rock physical response mechanism to micropure and fracture between shale reservoir and normal reservoir. Thus, there is a urgent need to study microstructure characteristics of shale gas reservoir and rock physical response, electric logging response numerical simulation based on reconstructed shale gas formation model. This project will deals with the research on shale gas reservoir samples of Sichuan basion Longmaxi Formation and Dongying sag Shahejie Formation. First, we use XRD, microexamination, scanning electron microscope and X-CT scanning technology to study shale gas rock mineral composition, micro rock structure, micropore and microfrature structure characteristics, and use X-CT data or X-CT slices to reconstruct micropore and fracture formation model of shale gas reservoir, that is 3D digital core. Secondly, use mathematical morphology and finite element method to simulate resistivity response, formation factors, the resistivity increases coefficient and dual laterolog response. Th
英文关键词: Mud shale;Microstructure;Rock physics;Nuclear magnetic resonance;Petrofacies