项目名称: 大脑皮层同克隆兴奋性神经元与中间神经元形成环路的发育特性
项目编号: No.31271157
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 禹永春
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 锥体神经元与中间神经元相互作用对大脑皮层功能的稳态平衡和信息加工处理中发挥着关键作用,但这两类神经元间是如何形成神经环路及处理信息的机制目前尚不清楚。在本项研究中,我们将携带光敏感基因片段Channelrhodopsin-2(ChR2)的逆转录病毒(表达YFP或RFP)注入到GAD67-EGFP转基因小鼠胚胎脑室中从而标记出表达光敏感蛋白ChR2的兴奋性同克隆群姐妹神经元以及与其同功能柱的中间神经元。然后综合利用多通道膜片钳和激光刺激技术记录兴奋性同克隆群姐妹神经元与中间神经元间形成的神经环路。通过本项研究,我们拟系统地阐明:(1)兴奋性同克隆群姐妹神经元与同功能柱中间神经元间神经环路的发育;(2)同克隆群姐妹细胞是否优先与同功能柱中间神经元形成突触环路;(3)兴奋性同克隆群姐妹神经元与不同类型中间神经元间形成环路的特点。这些研究结果将有助于了解脑皮层兴奋性与抑制性神经元间形成环路的特性。
中文关键词: 中间神经元;锥体神经元;视觉皮层;睁眼;α5亚基-γ-氨基丁酸A型受体
英文摘要: The neuronal circuits which composed of glutamatergic excitatory neurons and GABAergic inhibitory interneurons are crucial in establishing the functional balance, complexity, and computational architecture in the mammalian neocortex, while little is known about how these two kinds of neuron formed the functional synaptic circuits. In this research, we will develop RFP-retroviral system which expressed Channelrhodopsin-2 to label the excitatory ontogenetic sister neurons and their neighbor interneuron. We will analyze the functional organization of individual sister clones and their neighbor interneuron being labeled using state-of-the-art imaging (e.g. lasers scanning microscopy) and electrophysiology (e.g. multi-electrode whole-cell patch clamp recording) approaches and link these processes to functional circuit formation in the neocortex. Our research will not only provide fundamental insights into circuits' development between interneuron and pyramidal cell and greatly advance our understanding of the functional organization of the neocortex, but will also shed light on the etiology of many devastating brain disorders.
英文关键词: Interneuron;Pyramidal cell;Visual cortex;Eye opening;α5-GABAAR