项目名称: 基于石墨烯的自旋量子比特的理论研究
项目编号: No.11274294
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 涂涛
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 基于单电子自旋的量子比特被普遍认为是实现量子信息处理过程的理想候选者之一。本项目选择国际上刚刚兴起的石墨烯材料,利用其能够制备成可集成化的单电子晶体管(量子点),同时又没有核自旋使得电子自旋的量子相干时间很长等独特优势,对基于石墨烯单电子晶体管的自旋量子比特开展系统和深入的理论研究。我们将提出石墨烯中电子自旋量子比特的实现与表征、单自旋态的超灵敏读取和超快控制、与超导腔的耦合、各种自旋纠缠态的制备等一系列理论方案,为这方面方兴未艾的实验工作提供坚实和有力的理论基础。
中文关键词: 量子比特;量子计算;量子点;石墨烯;
英文摘要: The electron spin qubit is one of the most promising candidates for quantum information processing. In this project we focus on the emergent material, graphene, which has potential for scalable electronic devices and has advantage of zero nuclear spins. We will systematically study the realization of spin qubit in graphene single electron transistor. We will propose how to characterize electron spin states, readout of the quantum states of an individual spin, fast control of an electron spin into a superposition of up and down, long range couple two electron spins with superconducting resonator and produce spin entangled states with high fidelity. All these subjects are directly relevant for the fields of quantum information processing with single spins.
英文关键词: qubit;quantum computation;quantum dot;graphene;