项目名称: 微纳光子操控与功能器件
项目编号: No.61223007
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王屹山
作者单位: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所
项目金额: 300万元
中文摘要: 微纳尺度对光的操纵和控制涵盖诸多新颖的物理现象和不为人所知的自然规律,是实现光子集成的物理和技术基础,也是开启未来纳米光子学的钥匙,本项目提出通过金属微纳器件、硅基光子器件、硫化物微波导器件的研究,揭示光子-声子、光子-格子、光子-载流子之间的内在相互作用机理;跟随新现象和新物理,研发具有重大应用前景的微纳光场的调控技术和微纳光子器件。通过两种工艺:CMOS技术和超短脉冲技术,实现微纳光机电系统的制造;通过对超快脉冲的时间和空间调控的研究, 局部控制激光场的能量、偏振和波前,实现对介电常数的精密调控。重点研究微纳器件的非线性效应、共振效应(慢光效应)和模式耦合特性,发掘新现象、新原理、新应用,拓展微纳器件的功能化研究,为发现和开辟新型光子器件和新颖物理效应打开一扇明亮的大门。
中文关键词: 微纳光子学;非线性光子学;表面等离子体激元;光子器件;微制造
英文摘要: Light shaping and controlling with micro/nano devices involve fruitfully novel physics phenomena and unknown rules in nature; also it opens a door to nano-photonics and will be the fundamental theory and essential technology in near future. We propose here to investigate surface plasmon devices on metal, silicon-based photonic devices, and waveguide devices in chalcogenide glass, try to understand interaction mechanisms of photon-phonon, photon-lattice, and photon-carrier, etc. Following novel physics phenomenon, we concentrate on development of technologies of light shaping and micro/nano photonic devices. CMOS and ultrafast laser micromachining are employed to manufacture the mentioned micro- and nano- devices. The fine tuning of index of material can be realized by those laser parameters (polarization, wavefront, and energy) which controlled by time shaper and spatial shaper. We focus on the interesting nonlinearity, resonant effect (shows slow light), and mode coupling in micro- nano devices, and the research of the project will open a door to new devices and physics effect.
英文关键词: micro/nano photonics;nonlinear photonics;surface plasmonics;photonic device;micro-machining