项目名称: 基于表面等离子体光学时间反演对称性破缺现象及物理机制研究
项目编号: No.61205052
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 朱海滨
作者单位: 嘉兴学院
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 基于时间反演对称性破缺的非互易光子器件是集成光子系统中不可缺少的必要组件。传统基于磁光或非线性效应的实现方案在高度集成过程中面临难以解决的问题。另一方面,表面等离子体被视为实现高度集成光子系统理想方案。借助表面等离子体打破时间反演对称性,实现非互易光子传输,逐渐引起人们的研究兴趣,并已有少量报导。但这些研究并未解决如何实现宽带、低损耗的非互易光子传输问题,且多停留在理论仿真阶段,对表面等离子体在打破时间反演对称性中的作用本质和物理内涵并未深入探讨。 本项目拟基于表面等离子体实现结构简单、易于集成的非互易光子器件,并从理论上探究表面等离子体在时间反演对称性破缺中的作用本质和物理内涵。在此基础上,提出优化的非互易光子器件设计方案,实现宽带、低损耗的非互易光子传输。本研究将揭示光子非互易行为发生机制,为可集成非互易光子器件设计提供新思路。本项目对推动集成光子器件和子系统的发展和应用具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 非互易;光栅衍射;折射率调制;模间跃迁;相位跳变
英文摘要: Breaking the time-reversal symmetry, nonreciprocal optical devices are indispensable components in integrated optical systems. Traditional nonreciprocal configurations based on magneto-optical or nonlinear effects have encountered problems which were hard to solve, when migrated to integrated optical systems. Meantime, surface plasmon (SP) are realized as ideal solution for high degree integrated optical system. It has been attracting more and more interests to achieve nonreciprocal optical devices basing on SP effects, and few related reports have been published. However, those reports included only simulating studies, without deep analysis on the physical mechanism and essence of time-reversal breaking induced by SP effect. In this project, we will try to achieve compact and integratable nonreciprocal components based on SP effects. We also plan to theoretically explore the basic physical mechanism and essence of time-reversal induced by SP effect. Furthermore, we will propose an optimized SP effect assisting configuration of nonreciprocal device based on our theoretical results, which can work in broadband with low loss. By this project, we hope to finally reveal the basic mechanism of nonreciprocal optical behaviors, and to present a new choice for achieving integratable nonreciprocal optical devices with h
英文关键词: nonreciprocal;grating diffraction;refractive index modulation;intra-mode transition;phase jumping