项目名称: 云南艾滋病目标人群多属性复合共生网络的分割与生长控制研究
项目编号: No.71261026
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 李柏文
作者单位: 云南民族大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 研究运用行为监测数据包(OAM)对云南艾滋病目标人群进行结果持续跟踪(TRaC),获取并建立仪表盘(Dashboard)数据库。在此基础上,从系统的视角出发,以复杂网络为理论工具,模拟仿真现有的目标人群的复杂交互关系,建立艾滋病目标人群多属性复合共生网络。通过剖析网络的拓扑结构,搜寻定位其关键割点、桥和块,研究艾滋病传播的一般规律,探索其核心路径和关键影响因素。研究网络的割图与演化生长,探索艾滋病网络再生规律和割图选择,实现对中国防艾事业的难点和重点问题- - 艾滋病二代预防和控制问题的理论分析和模拟。选取我国艾滋病重灾区云南省进行案例研究,以Matlab等复杂系统开发平台为工具,从灵活性、可扩展性角度出发进行二次开发,运用仿真建模及演化算法的程序实现技术,实现艾滋病目标人群的仿真运行、运行结果、统计分析、适用性改进以及复杂网络的可视化表达方法,提出遏制艾滋病传播的政策框架和多路径解决方案。
中文关键词: 艾滋病目标人群;多属性;复杂网络;属性增长规律;
英文摘要: Following continually the tracks of Yunnan's AIDS target population by applying behavioral monitoring data packets (OAM), it can obtain and establish Dashboard database. Viewed from the perspective of the system, we used complex network theory to simulate the complex interactions of target population and established the target population of AIDS multi-attribute composite symbiotic network. By analyzing the network's structure and position network's critical point、bridge and pieces, the general laws such as the core of the path and the key factors can be explored. Research cutting diagram and evolution of growth of Network, exploring the AIDS Network regeneration of cut Figure choice to realize how to prevent of the second generation , which is the key focus on China's AIDS career. Case studies of selected China's AIDS-hit Yunnan Province, In the whole process, taking flexibility and expansibility into consideration, we use Matlab and other complex system developing platform as tools to perform second development. Applying simulation modeling and evolution algorithm procedures, we can realize the simulation operation to Yunnan's AIDS target population. Moreover, we can obtain the operation results、statistical analysis、improving to applicability and the visual expression to complex network. Through this, proposed
英文关键词: Target population of of HIV/AIDS;muti-attributes;complex network;The growth law of attributes;