项目名称: 面向大数据的环境绩效评价理论、方法及其应用研究
项目编号: No.71471001
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 宋马林
作者单位: 安徽财经大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 本项目从数据包络分析的理论方法入手,针对大数据所具有的大量性、高速性、多样性特征及其在精确性和稳定性方面存在的欠缺,提出一套科学的面向大数据的环境绩效评价理论与方法体系,并运用到实践中加以检验。项目首先实现巨量决策单元的有效甄别,并考虑非期望产出之间及非期望产出同期望产出和投入间复杂关系,接着探讨公众动态非结构化信息反馈对环境管理的影响机理及其纳入评价体系的处理办法,继而在基于数据包络分析的环境绩效评价中加入模糊数学规划以应对存在精确性和稳定性问题的数据,并将非同质决策单元去非同质化,然后采用基于数据包络分析和生命周期评价的组合评价方法处理可多次利用的投入指标,最后通过大数据条件下的热电行业环境绩效实证分析,检验和修正新提出的理论与方法。项目研究既在抽象现实的基础上进行系统建模,关注科学问题的解决,又付诸实践去验证理论与方法的可行性,将为提高我国的环境管理水平提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 数据包络分析;绩效评价;大数据;环境管理
英文摘要: Based on the theory and technology of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this project will propose a system of scientific theories and methodology for environmental performance evaluation, where the features of Big Data such as volume, velocity and variety are explored, and the challenges due to the lack of veracity and valorization are investigated. Practical experiments and testing will be carried out by applying our methods. In this project, we will firstly effectively differentiate a huge amount of Decision-making Units (DMUs), and consider complex relationships among undesirable outputs and among undesirable outputs, desirable outputs and inputs. Secondly, the impact mechanism of public dynamic and unstructured information feedback on environmental management, and how to involve it into the evaluation system will be explored. Thirdly, the problems of veracity and valorization faced in Big Data will be addressed by combining the DEA with Fuzzy Mathematical Programming, and the homogeneity of some DMUs will also be solved. Fourthly, the reusable inputs will be analyzed by utilizing the DEA with Life Cycle Assessment. Finally, we will apply the above models to analyze environmental performance of Chinese thermoelectric industry in order to illustrate the usage and advantages of our approaches. The project will not only focus on developing system models to solve scientific problems, but also focus on the applications in real life, which will contribute to the improvement of enviroment management in China.
英文关键词: Data Envelopment Analysis;Performance Evaluation;Big Data;Environmental Management