项目名称: 考虑关联特性和兼容性准则的电能质量深度分析诊断与影响后果评估研究
项目编号: No.51477147
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 贾清泉
作者单位: 燕山大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 探索新思路研究电能质量复杂扰动过程综合辨识、状态轨迹关联分析和电能质量影响后果综合评价问题,旨在提升电能质量综合诊断和高级分析功能,适应智能电网需要。以复杂事件处理技术为手段,结合原子算法和集成学习算法,建立复杂扰动模式的综合诊断方法,依据研究对象的因果时空关联生成完备的复杂事件聚类规则,将基本事件抽象为内涵丰富的综合事件,为分析事件后果和划定责任奠定基础。用状态空间模型描述连续型电能质量现象,从电能质量状态运行轨迹入手,应用时间序列分析技术建立电能质量状态关联分析方法,对电能质量运行规律和关联因素进行宏观分析诊断,挖掘各污染类型之间及其与污染源间潜在的关联性,为探索污染排放规律和治理污染提供技术支持。以设备和用户对电能质量兼容性要求为准则,构建状态空间容许边界面;用云模型对容忍曲线、容许边界面及扰动数据进行不确定性建模,形成兼容/不兼容度、影响度等评估电能质量影响后果的指标和方法。
中文关键词: 电能质量;复杂事件处理;原子算法;兼容性;关联特性
英文摘要: Exploring innovative ideas for power quality (PQ) disturbance comprehensive recognition, State track correlation analysis, PQ comprehensive evaluation and impact determination of PQ disturbance aims to enhance the capabilities of PQ comprehensive judgment and advanced analysis, and to meet the needs of smart grid.By means of complex event processing technology,Atomic algorithm and Integrated learning algorithm,establish Comprehensive diagnosis method of the complex disturbance model.According to Causal spatial and temporal association rules of physical object,generate complete complex events clustering rules ,improve basic events as comprehensive event with rich connotation,lay the foundation for analyzing consequences and delimiting the responsibility .From the state trajectory of power quality,using the state space model describing continuous phenomenon of power quality,Using time series analysis technology to establish correlation analysis method of the power quality status,to macro analysis and diagnosis of power quality rules and associated factors,mining various types of pollution and its correlation between the pollution sources,to provide technical support for exploring the pollution emissions laws and pollution treatment.Based on equipment and the user requirements for power quality compatibility to establish sate space representation boundary surface of tolerance;Using cloud model modeling the uncertainty of tolerance curve, tolerance surface and disturbance data ,form the indicators and methods of compatibility/incompatibility degree, effection degree which evaluation of power quality of the consequences.
英文关键词: Power Quality;Complex Event Processing;Atomic Decomposition;Compatibility;Relevancy