项目名称: 页岩油储层岩石物理特性数值模拟研究
项目编号: No.41504094
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 聂昕
作者单位: 长江大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 页岩油分布广泛、潜力巨大,是当前国内外的研究热点。由于页岩具有低孔低渗、各向异性突出、结构组分复杂等特点,导致常规实验在其岩石物理特性研究方面难以获得理想效果,而基于数字岩心的数值模拟可解决这一基础研究遇到的难题。本研究拟收集中国典型页岩油储层的岩样资料,通过分析岩样的三维扫描图像和二维薄片,获得岩样的孔隙结构、矿物组分等信息,用以辅助进行页岩油储层数字岩心的构建;利用数字岩心进行页岩油储层岩石物理特性的数值模拟计算,同时通过岩石物理实验获得岩样的电阻率、纵横波速度、孔渗等信息,并将二者的结果进行对比验证。最终获得页岩油储层在不同微观结构、矿物组分、含油性情况下的岩石物理特性,进而分析测井响应机理,为其测井解释模型的建立和储层水力压裂改造提供理论基础支撑。
中文关键词: 页岩油储层;岩石物理学;数字岩心;数值模拟
英文摘要: Shale oil is a widely distributed unconventional oil resource with great potential, and it has become a research hotspot all over the world. Because of the low permeability, great anisotropy and complex structure and composition of shale reservoirs, it is difficult to obtain ideal results from conventional petrophysical experiments. As a new method of acquiring the petrophysical properties, numerical simulation based on digital core can be useful to solve the problem in the study of shale oil reservoirs. In this study, we intend to collect core samples of typical shale oil reservoir in China, and analyze 3D and 2D scanned images to obtain rock information such as the pore structure, mineral composition to assist the reconstruction of 3D digital core of shale oil reservoirs. Through the petrophysical experiments, the resistivity, acoustic wave velocity, pore distribution and permeability information of the samples can be obtained to compare with the results of numerical simulation. Finally, the well logging response mechanism of shale oil reservoirs can be deduced and the foundation of the well logging interpretation and hydraulic fracturing modeling will be built.
英文关键词: shale oil reservoir;petrophysics;digital core;numerical stimulation