项目名称: 超高温氧化环境下高温热防护材料与结构的多参量实验集成方法和技术研究
项目编号: No.91216301
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 谢惠民
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 250万元
中文摘要: 近空间高超声速机动飞行,由于超高温下的复杂热物理化学和应力环境,对飞行器中的热防护材料和结构提出了严峻的挑战和苛刻的要求。本项目根据《指南》中“集成项目”要求,在重大研究计划前期“培育项目”和“重点支持项目”相关研究的基础上,通过学科交叉、优势互补,开展碳/碳、碳/碳化硅、热防护涂层等高温热防护材料和结构的集成和创新研究,重点解决高于1500℃的新型传感、非接触测量方法、关键参量表征技术等关键共性的问题,最终建立超高温氧化环境下热防护材料与结构的多参量测试方法和平台,揭示材料和结构在超高温复杂环境下物理化学过程及失效机理,为热防护材料和结构的优化设计提供实验依据;提供原创的超高温演化环境下的多参量测试技术和硬件系统;培养和凝聚一批从事基础研究的科研人员和研究团队,为我国近空间高超声速飞行器热防护材料和结构跨越式发展奠定基础。
中文关键词: 近空间;高超声速飞行器;热防护;实验力学;超高温
英文摘要: Near-space hypersonic vehicles are subjected to complex environment including physics, chemistry and stress under high temperatue during high speed flight, which brings forth serious challenges and harsh demands for the thermal protective materials and structures of the aircrafts. On the basis of the requirement of ‘integration projects’ in GUIDANCE and the early research work of general programs and key projects, the integrated research is focused on experimental methods and techniques of thermal protective materials and structures such as C/C, C/SiC and thermal protective coatings under ultra high-temperature by means of interdisciplines and complentary advantages. The emphasis is to solve the critical issues, such as development of new sensor technologies, non-contact measurement methods and characterization techniques of critical parameters with temperature over 1500 ℃. The goal is to establish the experimental methods and platforms to characterize the key parameters of thermal protective materials and structures in mechanical/thermal/oxidizing coupled environment. The efforts will be devoted to clarifying the physical and chemical process and failure mechanism of materials and structures under complicated high-temperature environment and providing experimental data for the optimum design of thermal protecti
英文关键词: near space;hypersonic vehicle;thermal protection;experimental mechanics;ultra-high temperature