项目名称: 触电生物电流的暂态过渡过程及其频谱特性研究
项目编号: No.51467021
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 李春兰
作者单位: 新疆农业大学
项目金额: 52万元
中文摘要: 研究和开发基于触电电流动作的新型剩余电流保护装置,可解决低压电网在大负荷或突变潮湿天气下因剩余电流超过整定值引起误动作的问题,而剩余电流与触电生物电流的变化特性、相互关系和建模是其关键问题。项目拟根据四肢哺乳动物各组成部分组织结构的不同,分别建立其有限元模型,进一步构建类似人体的四肢哺乳动物多端口触电模型;通过回归正交设计确定触电物理试验平台各物理参量最优值,获取有效触电信号,并运用相关分析、主元分析等对两种平台获取的触电信号比较,进一步修正类似人体的四肢哺乳动物多端口触电模型;利用改进小波变换和功率谱估计等研究剩余电流和触电生物电流的时频变化及相互关系,建立概率统计特性的触电生物电流模型。主要研究内容:(1)类似人体的四肢哺乳动物多端口触电模型;(2)物理试验法对四肢哺乳动物多端口触电模型修正;(3)剩余电流及触电生物电流的过渡过程及频谱特性。项目成果有助于提高剩余电流保护装置的可靠性。
中文关键词: 触电生物电流;暂态过渡过程;频谱;小波分析;有限元分析
英文摘要: Because the residual current more than setting value of Residual Current Protected Devices (RCDs),big load and a sudden change of damp weather would cause the incorrect operation and the failure action of Residual Current Protected Devices (RCDs).In order to develop a novel Residual Current Protected Devices tripping directly by the human body current while shocking, it is very important that the variation characteristics, modeling, the interrelationship between the residual current and the contact bioelectric current was studied. According to the different of the organizational structure on the 4-legged mammal's each part, its finite element model was established separately, and the multiport network model on equivalent circuit of the electric shocked 4-legged mammal's body(which was similar to human's body) was built further then.Confirming the optimal parameters of the shock physics experiment platform by the simulation analysis and the regression-orthogonal design, and obtaining the effective shock signals by the optimized electric shock physical experiment platform.Using the correlation analysis or the principal component analysis to compare the shock signals that acquired from two different platforms,and then the multiport network model on equivalent circuit of the electric shocked 4-legged mammal's body can be corrected. According to the effective testing data and the signal-wave, the change regularity of the time and frequency domains and its interrelationship between the summation residual current on the low-voltage electric power grid and the contact bioelectric current was studied by Wavelet analysis and power spectral estimation method. The model of electric shock bioelectric current could be established.The content of this item can be briefly summarized as following: (1)Multiport network model of the electric shock humanlike 4-legged mammal. (2)Corrected the multiport network model of electric shock humanlike 4-legged mammal based on physical experiment. (3)The transient process and frequency spectrum of the residual current and the contact bioelectric current.The results of the project is helpful to improve the reliability of Residual Current Protected Devices.
英文关键词: Contact Bioelectric Current;Transient Process;Frequency Spectrum;Wavelet Analysis;Finite Element Analysis