项目名称: 距离选通编码超分辨率三维成像方法研究
项目编号: No.61475150
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 周燕
作者单位: 中国科学院半导体研究所
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 夜间、雾雨雪、树林以及水下等低对比度目标及其周围场景信息的快速感知需求非常迫切,单一光学成像很难满足需求,因此迫切需求在二维成像基础上叠加三维信息;距离选通成像作为低对比度目标探测的有效技术手段(兼具二维成像和三维成像特点),其传统的三维成像技术一是受制于距离分辨率与高帧频之间的矛盾,二是受制于核心器件水平(高性能器件欧美等国对我国严格禁用)。因此,发展新的不完全依赖于高性能器件三维距离选通成像技术迫在眉睫;基于此,本项目创新性的提出一种三角形包络距离选通编码超分辨率三维成像方法,通过研究编码方法、编码规则、三角形包络超分辨率解码算法以及影响三维成像距离分辨率下降的各种因素,创建较为完整的三角形包络距离选通编码超分辨率三维成像理论以及数学模型;突破编码延时调制等系统实现的关键技术,研制出作用距离为500米,距离分辨率为0.5米,帧频为1赫兹的原理样机,并针对夜视应用,开展实验验证工作。
中文关键词: 距离选通;编码;超分辨率;三维成像;延时调制
英文摘要: There exists an urgent need that the rapid image acquisition of low contrast target and its surrounding background environments (night, fog, rain, snow, forest, underwater), however, normal optical image solely can't satisfy this demand. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain three-dimensional image on the basis of two-dimensional information. Range-gated imaging is an effective detection technique of low contrast targets by its novel characteristic of acquisition of two and three-dimensional image at the same time, while traditional three imaging method is normally restricted by the contradiction between distance resolution and high frame rate and the key device performance (high performance devices in Europe and America strictly prohibited on China).Therefore, the development of new three-dimensional range-gated imaging technique independent of high performance device is pretty imminent. For this reason, in this project, we propose a novel super resolution three-dimensional imaging based on range-gated coded approach, and will establish its comprehensive theory and mathematical model by investigating the encoding method, coding rules, triangular envelope super-resolution decoding algorithm and the factors that lead to the decline of three -dimensional range resolution. Further, it requires the breakthrough of relative key techniques, delay, decoding, modulation technology etc. Finally, a prototype system which achieves 500 m working distance, 1Hz frame rate, and 0.5 range resolution, will be developed, and its performance experimental verification will also be conducted for night vision application.
英文关键词: Range-gated;encoding;Super-resolutioan;Three-dimentional;Delay modulation