项目名称: 球形反式橡胶合金TPI/TBIR的釜内合成及结构与性能研究
项目编号: No.51473083
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 贺爱华
作者单位: 青岛科技大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 本项目以开发具有良好综合性能的新型合成橡胶材料为目标,拟充分发挥反式-1,4-结构聚二烯烃橡胶(反式聚异戊二烯(TPI),反式-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚物(TBIR))的柔顺链优势(可拉伸结晶、具有优异的动态疲劳性能、优异的耐磨性、低滚动阻力等),首次将反应器颗粒技术应用于反式橡胶合金的制备,本体法釜内直接合成具有球形形态及多相多组成的TPI/TBIR反式橡胶合金,为绿色节能的合成橡胶聚合新技术。本项目拟解决如下关键问题:①重点研究反式橡胶合金的釜内形态控制;②研究橡胶合金的组分分级方法; ③重点研究并调控共聚弹性体橡胶的含量、级分分布、共单体的含量与序列结构;④研究橡胶合金在不同条件下的相态结构演变及结晶行为,并探讨其对硫化胶性能的影响;⑤研究负载型Z-N催化剂的催化机理及其催化行为调控等。从而开发具有自主知识产权的新型橡胶材料及其聚合新技术,为高性能轮胎提供理想的胎面胶及胎侧胶胶料。
中文关键词: 球形橡胶合金;反式异戊橡胶;合成;分级;结构与性能
英文摘要: In order to develop novel rubber materials with satisfied integrated properties and utilize the advantagies of trans-1,4-polydienes like trans -1,4-polyisoprene (TPI) and trans butadiene-isoprene copolymer (TBIR), such as strain induced crystallization, excellent anit-fatigue properties, low abrasion loss, low rolling resistance, etc., the applicants design and synthesize novel TPI/TBIR alloys with reactor granules technology for the first time by using bulk polymerization method and sphercial TPI/TBIR rubber alloys with multi-phase and multi-component are synthesized within reactor. This is a novel, green and energy saving polymerization technology in rubber synthesis field. This project will resolve the following key scientific problems: ①control methods for the alloy paritcle morphology within reactor, ② fractionation methods for the trans rubber alloys,③study the copolymer content, fractions, comonomer content and sequence distribution, ④study the phase structure and the crystallization behavior of the rubbe alloys,grasp the relationship between the properties and the aggregation structures of the rubbe alloys, ⑤ study the polymerization mechanism of the supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst for diene polymerizaiton and the controllable method for the catalytic behavior. We hope that we can provide a new kind rubber stock for high performance tires in tread and side wall, as well as a novel synthetic polymerization technology for rubber synthesis.
英文关键词: spherical rubber alloy;trans polyisoprene;synthesis;fractionation;structure and properties