项目名称: 信用大数据背景下的异源共享信息融合研究
项目编号: No.71503108
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 宋媚
作者单位: 江苏师范大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 随着公共信用信息资源共享和企业申报公示制度的推进,构建覆盖全社会信息网络的征信系统成为公共管理领域的重要变革之一,而社会化信用信息的增值利用则成为电子政务的新兴领域。课题拟采用问卷调查、建模分析、信息融合分析等研究方法,围绕知识获取、算法设计、应用与验证展开研究。在知识获取环节,重点研究应对信息不对称时信用大数据采纳的影响要素及机理,构建基于中介的共享信用信息质量度量模型;在算法设计环节,重点研究能够适应于数据层、特征层、决策层需求的多源状态估计融合算法;在应用与验证环节,研究设计符合信息加工规律的信用大数据提升策略并验证。本项目为信用大数据综合集成利用提供了新的视角,为异源共享信息质量度量与融合提供了新方法和手段,对其他领域基于中介的共享研究也具有积极的学术意义。同时,本项目的研究对于帮助银行科学授信、提高公共信用信息应用成效、提升征信机构的信息服务能力,具有重要的现实意义。
中文关键词: 信息共享;信用大数据;信息质量;多源信息融合
英文摘要: With the development of public credit information sharing and public review of enterprise declaration, the design and implementation of credit reporting system covering the whole credit information network in China is becoming one of the most important revolutions in public administration, and the credit information value-added utilization is the emerging research area in E-government. This project proposes to study the following three questions as knowledge acquisition, algorithm design, application and verification with multiple methodologies including survey, modeling and information fusion analysis. Firstly, we will explore the factors and mechanism of credit big data adoption, and conduct a measurement model of shared credit information quality in the infomediary. Secondly, we will design state estimation algorithms for multi-source credit information in the following three layers: data layer, feature layer and decision-makers layer. Lastly, we will present and verify the enhancement strategy of credit big data adoption according to the information processing theory. This project provides not only a new perspective to understand how to comprehensively use credit big data, but also the new methods for shared information quality measurement and heterogeneous source information fusion. It also gives positive academic significance to other information sharing in infomediary. At the same time, the findings from this project are helpful for making credit-related decisions in the bank, enhancing the value of public credit information, and improving information service level of credit institutions.
英文关键词: Information sharing;Credit big data;Inforamtion quality;Multi-source informaiton fusion