项目名称: 点阵夹芯结构在爆炸载荷下的塑性动力响应与失效机理研究及其优化设计
项目编号: No.10802055
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 王志华
作者单位: 太原理工大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 点阵夹芯结构是当前国际上认为最有发展潜力的超轻、强韧、多功能一体化结构,本研究通过系统的实验研究、数值模拟和理论分析,建立、发展和完善点阵夹芯结构在爆炸载荷下的塑性动力响应分析模型,给出其动力失效模式、探讨夹芯结构的能量耗散机理和破坏机制,建立比较完备的点阵夹芯结构抗冲击性能测试平台,以其抗冲击性能及能量吸收为优化目标,对其几何参数和力学性能参数进行优化设计,为点阵夹芯结构在高科技领域的多学科优化设计以及抗冲击防护评估等方面提供技术支持;研究在撞击、爆炸冲击波作用下应力波在点阵材料中的传播机理和衰减规律及对介观结构的依赖性,研究冲击碰撞过程中点阵材料的局部失稳效应和应力集中效应、尺度效应,以及可能发生的超应力现象,为点阵夹芯结构避开危险激励的设计提供技术支持;发展一种可应用于点阵材料双向动力加载实验的实验装置,以期了解复杂应力状态下点阵材料的不同变形模式和失效机制。
中文关键词: 塑性动力响应;强动载荷;应力波;点阵材料;能量吸收
英文摘要: Lattice sandwich structures are attractive for their light-weight, high specificstrength and high specific stiffness. The aim of this project is classified into two parts. The first part is to study dynamic plastic response of lattice sandwich structures under blast loading and understand their energy dissipation mechanism and failure modes. The second one is to investigate the energy transmitting and dissipating performance of the lattice sandwich structures under explosive loading, and the internal wave propagation process, including the reflection effect at the interface, transmission and diffraction, as well as the size effect on the macro-mechanical properties. In this project, the attempt will be made to develop and perfect the techniques of exploring the characteristics of the stress wave propagation in the lattice sandwich structures, establish the relationship between the macro-mechanical properties and micro and mesostructures,identify the influence of the critical parameters of the lattice materials on their perforation-resistant behaviour, optimize the impact protective performance of the sandwich structures. This research can provide both theoretical and technical support for the applications of the unltralight lattice structures in engineering.
英文关键词: Dynamic plastic response: intensive dynamic loading: stress waves: lattice materials: energy absorption