项目名称: 基于复杂曲面重构的高速高精度机床动态性能演化与辨识方法研究
项目编号: No.51205048
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械工程学科
项目作者: 王伟
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 高速高精度机床运行的动态性能是制约其加工精度和工作效率的重要因素,目前ISO标准中也缺少多轴数控机床动态性能的测试规范。本课题通过研究机床动态性能演化规律,构造反映机床不同性能的NURBS曲面,研究基于曲面切削辨识机床动态性能的方法。首先,建立由机床进给系统至刀具切削振动的完整动态链系统耦合模型,推导影响机床动态性能的主要因素及演化规律;其次,构建反映机床动态特性能集的NURBS曲面综合体,研究机床主要动态因素与重构曲面形貌间的量化映射关系;最后,根据曲面切削形貌进行误差溯源,提取影响曲面误差的主要溯源因素,基于神经网络动态训练技术建立由曲面误差辨识机床动态因素的非线性映射模型。本项目研究有助于探求高速高精度机床动态性能演化机理,解决我国高端制造业长期缺乏机床动态性能测评的共性技术问题,通过辨识结果给出的机床性能影响因素,可用于指导机床维修和调整,具有重要的应用前景和经济价值。
中文关键词: 数控机床;动态性能;检验试件;几何特性;误差辨识
英文摘要: To date, the dynamic performance of high-speed and high-precision machine strongly affects workpiece accuracy and the efficiency of machining. However, the dynamic mechanism is not thoroughly understood and there is still lack of test standard on dynamic performance of multi-axis CNC machine in ISO. The content of this project is about studying the dynamic mechanism of NC machine, constructing the NURBS surface which reflects the kinematic performance of machine, and finding identification errors through cutting the complex constructing NURBS surface. First, establish the coupling models in a complete dynamic chain of the machine which develop from feed system to the cutting tool. Extract the main factors in dynamic revolution of the machine. Thus, construct the complex NURBS surface which can reflect the whole dynamic characteristics of NC machine. Then, research the quantitative relationship between the main factors and the NURBS surface. Finally, study the error identification method in NC machine and obtain the main dynamic factors by cutting the NURBS surface. Base on constructing neural networks model, find the real value and its proportion of the dynamic factors. The research of this project will help us to explore the dynamic mechanism of high-speed and high-precision machine and evaluate the dynamic p
英文关键词: CNC machine tool;dynamic performance;test specimen;geometrical characteristic;error identification