项目名称: 各向异性激光陶瓷:有序多晶掺镱氟磷酸锶(Yb:S-FAP)的制备及机理研究
项目编号: No.51302284
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 毛小建
作者单位: 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 卓越的光谱性能和激光性能使得掺镱氟磷酸锶(Yb:S-FAP)晶体成为未来重频高效强激光系统的最佳增益介质之一。然而,生长大口径Yb:S-FAP晶体迄今仍然是激光材料领域一大技术挑战。本项目基于我们在各向异性有序透明陶瓷研究中的开创性工作,以及在Yb:S-FAP粉体合成和光谱性能研究中的长期积累,拟在成功合成无团聚的Yb:S-FAP粉体基础上,通过超导强磁场辅助的成型工艺,结合高温烧结和热等静压 (HIP)等透明化处理手段,获得满足高重复频率强激光增益所需的Yb:S-FAP有序多晶透明陶瓷。项目拟揭示Yb离子掺杂对Yb:S-FAP磁性的贡献以及有序晶粒择优生长机制等关键科学问题,形成各向异性激光陶瓷的关键制备技术;拓展激光陶瓷的研究体系和应用范围,以满足激光研究前沿"高效率、高功率、高重频"之发展趋势对于激光材料的更高要求。
中文关键词: 各向异性激光陶瓷;掺镱氟磷酸锶;有序多晶;强磁场;
英文摘要: Yb:S-FAP crysatls have emerged as gain medium for high power laser systems with practical repetition rate. However, it is still a technical challenge for growing high quality Yb:S-FAP crystals with diameter upto 7 cm because of its anisotropic thermo-mechanical properties. Based on our creative research on anisotropic ceramics and cumulate experiences on Yb:S-FAP power synthesis and spectral analysis, this project is aimed to manufacture high quality oriented Yb:S-FAP ceramics for the application on high power laser system with elevated operation rate. The Yb:S-FAP single-crystal powder without agglomerate is synthesized, which was then dispersed in suitable liquids. The resultant suspension is shaped in superconductive magnetic field, followed by sintering and HIP treatment. The products is finally evaluated by spectral analysis and laser amplifying test. The affect of Yb cation on susceptibility anisotropy Δχ of Yb:S-FAP and the mechanism of orientad grain growth are established as the main scientific research objects. The project is expected to concrete the technique of anisotropic ceramics and extend the laser ceramic system, to adapt the increasing request of laser research focusing on higher efficiency, higher power and higher repetition rate.
英文关键词: Anisotropic laser ceramics;;Yb:S-FAP;Oriented polycrystal;High magnetic field;