项目名称: 注意网络及其神经基础的研究
项目编号: No.30870766
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 汪凯
作者单位: 安徽医科大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 建立并完善了注意网络测试的实验范式,收集了大量的脑损伤患者、痴呆、ADHD、抑郁症、精神分裂症、焦虑症、肝豆状核变性、帕金森病、癫痫、甲亢等患作为被试资源,结合神经心理学、fMRI和神经生化研究方法对其进行相关研究。研究提示注意可分为定向、警觉和执行控制三个独立的功能网络,在脑结构、神经生化水平各有特异性神经基础:PD、抑郁症、肝豆状核变性、癫痫、精神分裂症等被试分别出现注意功能网络选择性改变;老龄化对注意网络产生特异性影响;不同部位脑损伤患者之注意网络受损的神经心理学分离;偏头痛患者的注意网络测试存在特异性加工障碍;疼痛和针灸可以选择性影响对注意网络加工;焦虑症患者提示注意网络加工选择性受到影响;烟碱刺激后执行控制网络工作效率明显提高,执行控制能力提高;未用药精神分裂症患者采用单一药物氯氮平治疗,治疗前后注意网络的神经心理学的改变,进一步揭示注意网络的神经生化基础;初步的fMRI研究提示注意网络的激活脑区之间的分离。我们的神经心理学研究结果验证支持注意网络的特异性神经机制的假说。
中文关键词: 注意;注意网络;神经心理学;神经机制
英文摘要: The attentional network test (ANT) provides a measure of the efficiency of the alerting, orienting, and executive attention networks. We had collected a lot of patients as resource of the subjects such as brain damaged, AD, ADHD, WD, EP and other psychotic diseases. Our results suggested that the effects of aging on attention are selective for the executive and alerting networks but not for the orienting network. Patient with PD showed a selective abnormality in the orienting network. Patients with localized brain injury suggested that there were selective impairments of the orienting and executive networks in patients with the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe injury, while the alerting network is spared. Funhernlore,the frontal lobe played a key role in the executive control, meanwhile, the orienting network is closely related with the parietal lobe.Patients with WD, epilepsy, AD, ADHD and other psychotic diseases showed selectively impairments in different attentional networks. The dissociations above suggested the neurobasis special for three attentional networks. The alerting network included specific frontal and parietal areas and is modulated by norepinephrine system. The orienting network included superior parietal lobe and is modulated by cholinergic system. Executive control of attention included the anterior cingulate cortex and lateral prefrontal cortex and is modulated by dopamine. The hypotheis also be supported by primary results of fMRI approach. These evidence supported that attentional network may have special neuromechanism.
英文关键词: Attention; Attention network; neuropsychology; Neuromechanism