项目名称: 脑梗死偏瘫后针刺阳陵泉对运动相关脑网络整合调节的多模态分析研究
项目编号: No.81473667
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 邹忆怀
作者单位: 北京中医药大学
项目金额: 74万元
中文摘要: 脑功能重塑是脑梗死偏瘫后运动功能重建的物质基础,中医有治疗偏瘫的有效方法,在脑功能层面的效应机制尚不十分清楚。脑内存在复杂的脑功能网络系统,运动主要相关网络(SMN、DAN和ECN)与中枢性运动损伤密切相关。在前期工作的基础上,本课题选择脑梗死责任病灶主要影响运动通路(右侧基底节和放射冠)的患者,病例组18例,健康受试者组18例,针刺治疗中风病的主要穴位筋会阳陵泉,以3.0T磁共振成像仪,在静息态、单次任务态和任务后静息态,完成两组受试者静息态与针刺任务态的功能成像。以功能和结构结合的多模态分析方法,进行患者与健康受试者针刺前、针刺前后、针刺后,运动主要相关网络的整合效应分析。表达被动运动和针刺阳陵泉促进患者脑功能重塑的效应位点,在脑功能网络方面,初步说明中医方法的效应机制。为中医方法促进脑梗死后运动功能重建的研究,在脑功能层面提供数据证据支持。
中文关键词: 功能磁共振;偏瘫;脑运动相关网络;多模态;针刺
英文摘要: Brain reorganization is the material basis of motor functional recovery of hemiplegia due to cerebral infarction. Traditional Chinese medicine is an effective method for treatment of hemiplegia, but its effect mechanism in brain functional level is not very clear. There presents complex brain functional network system in the brain. The injury of main network about movement(SMN、DAN and ECN) directly related to the central motor injury. On the basis of the preliminary work, we choose the patients (on the right side of the basal ganglia and corona radiata) with the cerebral infarction responsible lesions mainly affecting the motion pathway to needle the JinHuiYanglingquan, which is the main point of the treatment of stroke.18 patients will be selected as the experimental group with 18 matched healthy people as the control group. All subjects will be scanned by the 3.0T magnetic resonance respectively in the stage of resting state, single task-state, and resting-state after task. With the multimodal method combined function and structure, we tend to do integration effect analysis of the main network related motion, between the patient and healthy people before acupuncture, before acupuncture and after acupuncture, after acupuncture, to express Yanglingquan needling effect site of promoting the remodeling of cerebral function of patients, and preliminary to descript the effect mechanism of TCM methods in the aspect of brain functional network. The subject will provide data support in brain function level of evidence for research on promoting motor functional recovery after cerebral infarction by TCM method.
英文关键词: fMRI;hemiplegia;brain network about movement;multimodal;acupuncture