项目名称: 免疫细胞视频图像形变度量方法研究
项目编号: No.61271112
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘志文
作者单位: 北京理工大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 免疫细胞形变及其运动特性与人体免疫系统是否正常存在关联性,因此研究免疫细胞视频图像形态变化的度量,揭示与定量分析其相关性,具有重要理论意义和广阔的临床应用前景。组织活检是临床诊断排斥反应的病理学方法,属于金标准,但存在明显不足,即有创、耗时、次数受限,同时取材部位影响诊断结果。临床上医生通过观察外周血免疫细胞形变及其运动特性也可诊断排斥反应,但该方法工作量大,且诊断结果带有人为经验性和主观性。本项目针对免疫细胞视频图像,研究免疫细胞活性的表征和度量,并对照临床排斥反应病理诊断结果,建立免疫细胞活性特征参数与人体免疫抑制水平之间的数学模型,提高临床诊断排斥反应的快捷性和客观性。主要研究内容是,免疫细胞形状表征,细胞质运动场提取,2D细胞动态形变度量与分析,细胞核浆比参数提取,球谐函数3D细胞动态形变度量与分析,免疫细胞视频图像形变的度量与免疫排斥反应的定量关系。
中文关键词: 形变分析;拓扑变化描述;细胞内部运动场;时域特征编码;细胞形变分类
英文摘要: The analysis of deformation and motion of immunocytes to reveal the relationship between the status of human immune system and the activity of immunocytes via cell videos are of both theoretical and applicative importance in the field of medical image processing. Currently, the golden standard of pathology method to diagnose rejection, the needle biopsy, is far from satisfaction as it is invasive, time-consuming, trial-limited, and dependent on the puncture location. Even though the doctors could diagnose rejection by observing the deformation and motion of the immunocyte in patients' peripheral blood using microscopes, the progress is actually tedious, subjective and empirical. The project aims to study the activity of the motile immunocyte video images to 1) extract feature parameters of cell activities, 2) cross refer to the clinical diagnosis, 3) model the degree of immune rejection and the activities of the immunocytes, and 4) improve the promptness and objectivity in clinical diagnose of immune rejection. The research is mainly focused on: the representation of the immunocyte shape, the motion field computing of the cytoplasm, spherical harmonics based 3D cell morphological analysis, the relationship between the deformation measurement of the immunocyte and the degree of immune rejection.
英文关键词: deformation analysis;morphology variation description;intracellular movement field;temporal feature encoding;cellular deformation classification