项目名称: 导电聚合物界面性质的协同作用选择性调控特定细胞行为的研究
项目编号: No.51503126
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 丁春梅
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 特定细胞在材料表面的粘附、增殖、取向排列等行为,对材料表面内皮化(内皮细胞),肌肉再生(肌细胞),神经修复(神经细胞)尤为重要。由于导电聚合物(CPs)独特的掺杂导电机制,生物相容性,易于结构化制备的特点,CPs成为了材料与细胞界面的研究热点。但是,对于如何充分利用CPs的界面性质,有效选择并调控特定细胞的行为,仍然面临着困难与挑战。因此,本申请拟利用磷酸胆碱修饰的单体掺杂多肽分子,制备取向结构的CPs。通过平衡磷酸胆碱抗粘附与多肽特异性粘附的作用,实现CPs对目标细胞的有效选择;借助取向结构的“接触引导”效应诱导细胞的铺展与定向排列;多肽掺杂剂限制于聚合物链中,随着导电聚合物的氧化还原发生构型改变,进一步实现对细胞粘附的智能调节。本项目的创新点是:结合CPs的化学成分,表面结构以及电刺激响应性,实现多效应协同调控细胞行为。这对于对植入材料界面功能化的实现具有重要的科学意义和技术应用价值。
中文关键词: 导电聚合物;界面性质;特定细胞;调控;协同作用
英文摘要: Adhesion, proliferation and alignment of certain cells on surfaces are crucial for in-situ endothelialization (endothelial cells), muscle regeneration (myoblasts) and nerve regeneration (nerve cells). Due to their unique doping conduction mechanism, biocompatibility and easy preparation, conducting polymers (CPs) have attracted a lot of research interest in the area of material-cell interface. However, it still remains a challenge to regulate behaviors of targeted cells effectively by utilizing interfacial property of conducting polymers adequately. As a consequence, taking advantage of phosphorylcholine modified monomer and peptide dopants, we plan to fabricate aligned CPs surface in this project. Antifouling phosphorylcholine and cell-specific peptide are balanced to achieve efficient adhesiveness of targeted cells. Aligned surface structure of CPs is expected to induce the spreading and alignment of cells by the effect of ‘contact guidance’. Moreover, considering the electric redox responsiveness of CPs, accompanied by the configuration change of doped peptide, reversible cell adhesion is realized. The innovation of this project: we first propose to regulate behaviors of targeted cells by the synergetic interfacial properties of CPs, including the chemical composition, surface structure and electric stimulation responsiveness. We believe this research will shed new light on interfacial functionalization of implant materials and is of either scientific significance or practical value.
英文关键词: conducting polymers;interfacial property;targeted cells;regulate;synergetic effect