项目名称: 农田灌溉合作行为的演进机理与促发机制研究——基于社会-生态耦合系统的视角
项目编号: No.71303198
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 蔡晶晶
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 本研究从复杂体系思维出发,基于社会-生态耦合分析视角,将灌溉系统作为长期以来人类与自然不断互动的产物。沿着"社会-生态系统行为主体属性与互动→利益相关者行为与激励→合作行为演化与促发机制→制度绩效评价"这一思路,厘清农田灌溉系统中相关行为主体的属性、行为和互动规则,揭示农田灌溉的复杂系统特性及其制度需求的多样性;对农田灌溉系统利益相关者的博弈行为和激励机制进行仿真研究,探究形成合作的条件与合作演进机理;设计促发农田灌溉合作行为的机制,并通过政策仿真评估其绩效,探寻优化农田灌溉系统可持续治理的制度供给取向;通过典型案例的实证比较研究,基于项目的研究框架提出实现我国农田灌溉系统可持续治理的政策建议。本研究有助于国外理论和经验的本土化论证,对发展以农民为主体、基于社区的农田水利建设管理的激励结构,进而推动农村水利的可持续发展,保障粮食安全及因地制宜地推进新农村建设具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 灌溉合作;演进;促发机制;内生型合作;
英文摘要: From the perspective of coupling social-ecological system, the project based on the complex system thinking and considered the irrigation system as a long-standing product of human and natural interaction. Following the study route of "properties and interaction among the actors of social-ecological system →stakeholders' behavior and incentives →evolution and trigger mechanism of cooperative behavior→institutional performance",the project identified the properties and interrelation rules among the actors of social-ecological system to examine the complexity and diversity of rural irrigation system. Then it carried out the simulation studies to explore the game behaviors and incentive mechanism of the stakeholders. After analyzing the evolution mechanism and conditions of the cooperation in the irrigation management, the project then designed the trigger mechanism of cooperative behavior in rural irrigation and established an evaluation framework of institutional performance through the method of policy simulation. This project proposed policy recommendations to improve the sustainable rural irrigation system based on the empirical comparative study and its research framework. This project will help the localization of the theory of coupling human and nature in China, and will play an important role on developing
英文关键词: Irrigation Cooperation;Evolution Mechanism;Trigger Mechanism;Endogenous Cooperation;