项目名称: 离子液体中稀土金属钕的绿色节能电沉积及其机理研究
项目编号: No.51304025
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 苗睿瑛
作者单位: 北京有色金属研究总院
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本项目旨在将离子液体这种绿色溶剂/电解质引入到高能耗高污染的稀土冶金领域,实现稀土金属钕的绿色节能电沉积。重点研究钕离子在离子液体中的溶解性,金属钕制备过程影响因素,制备过程物理化学以及电极过程动力学从而确定钕在离子液体中的电沉积机理。首先选择合适的阴阳离子设计离子液体,并应用核磁、红外、拉曼等分析手段以及电化学测试手段获得离子液体的物理化学性能,选择有机稀土盐形成新体系并考察其在离子液体中的溶解性,进而研究离子液体中稀土金属电解过程的影响因素,离子液体的理化性质对稀土金属电沉积过程及产物的影响,应用SEM、XRD、XRF等分析手段考察产物的形貌及晶型,研究离子液体中稀土金属电沉积的电极过程动力学,深入探讨电沉积机理及规律等。本项目的成功实施将有助于稀土金属的绿色节能电沉积方法的开发,对于完善电沉积机理及推动稀土产业可持续发展都具有重要的理论和现实意义。
中文关键词: 钕;离子液体;绿色节能;电沉积;机理
英文摘要: This project aims to introduce the green solvent/electrolyte --ionic liquid into the field of metallurgy for rare earth metals, and thus to realize the green, environment friendly, energy-efficient, electrochemical preparation of rare earth metal neodymium. The main research is to study the solubility of Nd(III) in the ionic liquid, factors influencing on the preparation processing of rare earth metal neodymium, processing physicochemistry for rare earth metal neodymium, electrode process kinetics, and to deduce the electrodeposition mechanism of neodymium in the ionic liquids. Firstly, choose suitable positive and nagetive ions to form ionic liquid and apply NMR, IR, and Raman and electrochemical test to analyze their physical chemical properties, choose neodymium salts to form new system of ionic liquid and salt, study their consistency, and thus realize the factors to affect the electrodeposition, understand the effect of physicochemical property of ionic liquid on the electrodeposition, examine the morphology of the product applying SEM, XRD, and XRF et al., and explore the electrodeposition mechanism according to the electrode process kinetics as well. The success of this project will be helpful to the development of the energy-saving, green, electrochemical preperation of rare earth metal neodymium, which
英文关键词: neodymium;ionic liquid;;energy-efficient and;electrodeposition;mechanism